Whenever I’m feeling stuck and want to attract new and better ideas or opportunities, I clean out my file cabinet. Yes. That’s one big secret! I clean out my file cabinet. Can’t explain exactly how it works, but it does. Just last week, I wanted to get back to working on a project, but was feeling totally resistant. I told myself at least I would pull out the file to work on later, so it would be in my face on my desk all day. When I opened my file drawer in my desk and started digging, it hit me. There were papers, records, and notes in there from abandoned projects, persons I no longer worked with, old clients, an unpleasant legal matter, and even a crazy ex-fiancé! In order for me to mine for the gems, I had to trudge through all my old crap. I had to WORK to find the good stuff. Hmmm. Not good! Physically or energetically. Time to shout “Clear the decks!” and line up the Hefty bags. It was time to create space for exciting new projects, amazing new clients, and titillating new op...