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Showing posts from February, 2015

morgana - On Television and Live Workshop in Arizona!

Whew! I’m just back from Turkey (wedding #12 with my husband Devin) and leaving again in a few days… for Arizona! I’m being interviewed early morning on early morning television live in Phoenix on Tuesday, February 24: KPNX – NBC 12, and then I’m being interviewed the next day for Tucson’s “Morning Blend” on KGUN – ABC 9 the next day, February 25. Since I’m going to be in the area, my friend Dan Horner asked me lead a live workshop in Tucson the evening of the 25th… and I said yes! I’ll be teaching “Make MORE Money by Leading with LOVE!” So come on down and meet me in person: via Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching, Inc.

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - I Envy All Those Empowered Women! I have Low Self Esteem.

You asked Coach Allana Pratt: Allana, I have really low self-esteem. I envy all of these empowered women that have all of this confidence. How can I become more like these women? Sweetness, don’t worry your pretty little head please… a lot of empowered women put on a good show, and are super insecure inside too. And I used to totally have low self esteem, looking to everyone for approval, seeking security even by marrying it! I’ve had sex to be wanted… most of us have given away our power in some way or another to be liked, feel safe, fit in, be wanted. And there is help! How can you be more empowered? First stop the comparing part to the other women… by comparing you’re buying into superior inferior and your whole life you’ll either be a superior bitch or insecure damsel… instead LOVE and CELEBRATE other women. When she rocks her world, say WOW! Awesome for her! I’m having that! That’s for me! Oh yah! Bring it! What would it take for me to shine along side her? The Queendom of We! ...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - I’ve been married 3 times. Is #4 doomed before it even starts?

You asked Allana: In 14 years, I have been married three times. The first marriage only lasted because we had a child. I couldn’t get out of the second fast enough. We won’t even discuss #3. I think I have met husband # 4 but I am guarded. How do I know all of these failed marriages aren’t my fault – what if #4 is already doomed before it even starts? Yup. You’re definitely broken. Unfixable. God made a mistake with you. NOT!!!!!!!! You are not doomed my love! You’re just a wee challenged like me and many of us in a relationship. Welcome to the planet! That’s what we’re all ultimately here for… relationship with self, with Source, with Other. Don’t judge yourself for marrying every man you’ve slept with (wink xoxo). Many people have way more failed relationships than you, they just haven’t made it official with marriage and divorce. So here’s your homework: What’s the lesson of husband #1? Did you learn it? Was it like me, feeling so insecure that you didn’t really see if he was a g...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - He Left Me. I’m Shattered. How Do I Rebuild my Life?

You asked: “Allana, My husband and I are divorced. He left me shattered. How do I rebuild after the man of my dreams walked out on me?” Wow, I am so very sorry. How awful. You must be in a lot of pain. I have no idea how you must be feeling. I hope you are taking good care of your body, your heart and your world. How do you rebuild? I’m a little hesitant to tell you as the tone of your question sounds like you may not be there quite yet. And yet you asked, so with deepest tenderness for the pain you’re in… here we go. First, no one shatters you. You are not shatter-able. Yes, there is pain in life. And this is painful. But suffering is optional. And saying that he left you shattered gives all your power away to him, saying he creates your happiness… when in fact that’s your job. Being betrayed totally sucks, and yet I find it quite curious that he would just up and leave. Were things perfect and this blind sided you? Were there problems you were unwilling to face? Were there red fla...