Question: Do women only want guys with money? I love this question. To me, it’s like saying, “Do women only want guys with penises?” or “Do women only want guys who honor them?” Of course, we want a man who’s money is handled! However, that doesn’t mean we only want millionaires. Yet, please consider that it’s very hard to be feminine, receptive, allowing, opening, surrendered when you’re in charge 24/7 taking care of things, guiding things, paying for things, leading things, yes? There’s something about a man who’s unstable, hasn’t figured out where he’s going to be next week, lives out of his car, can’t pay for dinner, not sure what his purpose is, whose home is messy, car is messy and money situation is messy… it makes my body crunch up, feel uneasy and unable to relax, open and shine my radiance in devotion to his legacy. I liken it to a train… of course we have our own train, our own goals and dreams… yet when in partnership, you want to go where the man’s tr...