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Showing posts from September, 2018

- Christy Whitman, Coach + Author of ‘Quantum Success’ — Glambition Radio Episode 151 with Ali Brown

My guest this week used to be unhappy in just about every area of her life. She was 30 pounds overweight, nearly $60,000 in debt working a job she hated, and she believed, like most do, that if her external circumstances shifted, she’d finally be happy. But she discovered it was actually time to look […] via Ali Brown

How to Improve Your Vocabulary for Writing & Speaking Success - Brian Tracy

Language is a powerful tool, and the better you are at wielding it the better your results will be. If you want to engage your audience and pique their interest, you need to develop exceptional written communication skills. A big part of improving your writing skills is simply learning how to improve your vocabulary . Below, we’ll take a comprehensive look at why improving your vocabulary matter, and we’ll review a variety of methods that you can use to quickly grow your vocabulary. Why Learn Vocabulary? When you’re working as a writer, words are the only tool that you have available to help you communicate a personality, an emotion, or an idea. Therefore, the more words you know and can use, the more likely it is that you will be able to find the perfect way to string together your thoughts into a message that will get the job done. Having a large vocabulary allows you to say the same thing in a variety of different ways. This means that you will be able to rewrite ideas from r...

Morgana - Why 100 Weddings

Someone just asked me, “Why so many marriage ceremonies?”   Here was my response: “Because my husband asked me to marry him 100 times in 100 countries. We both love travel and each other. It’s also a fantastic relationship practice. We make up new vows every time, and they just get deeper and deeper the more time we’ve been together, the better we know each other. It’s also a lot of fun to discover how different cultures celebrate love.”   You can follow our adventures and watch our video at .   The post Why 100 Weddings appeared first on Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching, Inc. . via Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching, Inc.

- Petra Kolber, Author of The Perfection Detox + Fitness Expert — Glambition Radio Episode 151 with Ali Brown

It was 1996. The Macarena was in full swing. Prince Charles and Princess Diana finalized their divorce. Mission Impossible with Tom Cruise debuted in theaters worldwide. And Reebok STEP was in full fitness force. I know because I was an instructor. And when I first moved to New York, I mailed a letter to this […] via Ali Brown

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - From Devastated to Delicious…Life After Divorce

I remember when my husband and I separated, he went off to NYC to get laid for the weekend. Lovely. Then he married MY female financial advisor who found out a millionaire was on the loose. Ouch. When my clients tell me war stories of him leaving her for a younger woman, her taking him to the cleaners, the betrayals, abandonment and cruelty that goes on, the first thing to help them out of stuck sorrow is to get angry. There is a honoring time and place for authentic tears, yet so many of us stay there FAR too long and become sorry ass victims because it’s not socially acceptable to swear like a sailor, stick pins in a voodoo doll, and get friggen’ pissed! Janet, during a strategy session, regained her power, potency, vibrancy and vitality by just letting ‘er rip! Now I don’t suggest you yell at HIM or HER… that’s abuse, yet let it out! We started hysterically laughing in the end! Standing up for yourself feels AMAZING! Next is ravishing responsibility. Sober genuine honest truth...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Am I Single Because My Parents Always Fought?

Coach Allana Pratt was asked, “My parents fought a lot when I was younger and I feel as if that is the reason why I am 25 and have never been in a relationship. How can I get past this hangup?   Sounds like you’re ready to do some healing, love. Great. It’s easy to just stay busy, so I honor you for your willingness to look, feel, breathe and tell the truth. While you may have developed certain beliefs, survival mechanisms and behaviors based on watching your parents fight, let’s not give them power of your life today here and now, yes? Let’s dive in and heal, shift, change and get you back to CHOICE so that you can have a relationship with works for you. Let’s use the context of what they showed you, not as an excuse to hide or doubt or paralyze in fear… instead let’s use it as great information of what you don’t want, so you can choose what you do want, and you can get clear about WHY and then FEEL the feelings of what you choose and move in the direction of that. I am n...

Morgana - Embrace Your Shadow for “Sacred Sexy” with Allanna Pratt | Morgana Radio

Learn how to transform your shadow into your sacred sexy factor… with class. What if your emotional wounds were the fuel to rocket you into the ideal relationship of your dreams? Relationship Intimacy Expert, Allana Pratt inspires open-hearted, unapologetic living with delicious sass. A featured weekly contributor on the Good Men Project, Thrive Global and Thought Catalogue, expert on CBS, TLC, FOX, Forbes, People Magazine and Huffington Post, this cum laude graduate of Columbia University is the Author of 4 international books. Leeza Gibbons asked Allana to coach her during Dancing with the Stars. Allana hosts the sexy empowering Podcast “Intimate Conversations” to guests like Emmy Award winning Alanis Morissette, Matthew Hussey and Dr. Christiane Northrup. Over 2.7 million viewers on Youtube look to Allana when struggling to trust again after a harsh breakup so they can create hot, healthy thriving intimate relationships. In this episode of Morgana Radio, you will learn how to:...