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Showing posts from January, 2019

10 Qualities Of A Great Life Coach - Brian Tracy

In recent years, more people have entered the world of life coaching . Being self-employed has lots of benefits such as being your own boss, making your own schedule, choosing your clients and setting your fee. What is Life Coaching? Life coaching or consulting is a career where the coach has a firm understanding of the principles of success and their application. A life coach teaches others how they can put these principles to work for them in their career or personal life. In addition, life coaches can help clients deal with stress and anxiety. Imagine you are in a job you hate and are stuck in. You don’t have enough money to see you through a transition to a new job. In this scenario, a coach helps you discover the industry you will flourish in that matches your purpose in life. Once you and the coach have found an industry you want to work in, he or she helps you choose the career path you want and help you develop a course of action to make the switch. Who is Seeking ...

Morgana - VIDEO: For when you’re in a dark place…

I noticed I was getting emails from people who were going through a dark place, and thought I should share this information with anyone who’s feeling the new year/dark of winter/heartbreak or discouragement blues. This may surprise you and hearten you. Please post comments, experiences, and insights below. And if you have a friend who’s in a dark place today, please send your friend here. Namaste. . . “The Guest House” by Rumi, over 700 years ago… This being human is a guest house Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide ...

Morgana - [VIDEO] Money Honey Moment: “How to deserve a higher fee”

A client in one of my programs asked, “What do I need to do to feel I like I deserve a high fee?” I recorded my response in this video. (And I posted the transcript below.) Transcript of Video: Morgan Rae: Hello, this is Morgana Rae here with you for a Money Honey moment. And I received a question from a client in one of my programs that I thought was so good that I really wanted to answer it for as wide an audience as possible, because this is the kind of question that my kind of people struggle with. And so, the question is, what do I need to do to feel like I deserve to charge high fees?   I love that question, because the only kind of person who asks that kind of question is somebody who cares about integrity, cares about others. Sociopaths don’t have to worry about that, because they’re only in it for themselves, and there’s no worry about being worthy or deserving or giving value. So, yea you, all of you who care about deserving.   You know, it’s funny ...

Morgana - Your Wealth is in Your Weirdness

When I first became a life coach I was really concerned about being taken seriously, sounding professional, and not looking like a freak. Not much has changed: I still care about all that stuff. But I discovered over time that the more professional and non-freaky I try to sound, the more INVISIBLE I become. The minute I start to talk like a professional coach and go into one of those elevator speeches I spent so much money to learn (you know exactly what I’m talking about, don’t you?)… I can see the other person’s EYES GLAZE OVER before they start scanning the room for someone more interesting. I can’t begin to tell you how annoying that is. Then one day, years ago, I stood up at a large networking meeting of high powered female entrepreneurs, pulled out a magic wand and called myself a “witchy” coach, and said something about how “goddesses can be old or young, thin or fat, can do what they want, charge what they want (and Aphrodite sleeps with whomever she wants, and no one dares...

- Cathy Savage, Fitness Pioneer + Business Coach — Glambition Radio Episode 158 with Ali Brown

You’re about to meet a woman has been a longtime force of nature in the world of women’s fitness. Beginning in the ‘90s, Cathy Savage paved the way in competition coaching for women. But more importantly since then, she’s worked to shift the current industry’s oversexed focus back to where it should be: empowerment, athleticism, […] via Ali Brown

How to Become an Author: The Ultimate Guide to Write & Publish Your Book - Brian Tracy

I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that many people dream of one day becoming an author and publishing a book . You might even be one of them. If so, you may already have a topic in mind or you may have even started writing a piece. However: For most people interested in a career as an author, the possibility seems out of reach. But does it have to be? You might be surprised to learn that it doesn’t. In fact… Becoming an author and enjoying the benefits that come with the title is easier than most expect. It really just comes down to overcoming a few obstacles. Brian Tracy is the published author of over 80 books. Becoming an Author: Step by Step One of the main obstacles people who want to become an author face involves simply knowing how to get started. This guide will break down the steps you need to follow in order to become a published author. How Do I Get Started as an Author? Getting started is the hardest part for many potential authors. When you have neve...

4 Ways to Know Your Goals Are Too Small   - Brian Tracy

When deciding on long- and short-term goals, perhaps the Goldilocks and the Three Bears fable best exemplifies a healthy process. If you aim too high, not attaining them can be too hot. Aim too low, and your motivation could get cold. Setting the best goals for your needs is a lot like serving porridge, it needs to be just right. That being said, there is no right recipe or perfect temperature that works for everyone. Goals, like porridge, is not a one type fits all product. The happy medium goal for each of us can be vastly different from that of others. Although one common way of thinking is to avoid overreach, aiming too small can also be problematic. Consider these ways to identify goals that are lacking in some sense. 1. Your Goals Do Not Challenge Your Abilities Striving for improvement, achievement and success are inherently difficult. The underlying idea about setting and reaching life goals is that these things take effort. Making a hardboiled egg requires putti...

- NEW workshop this March (only 12 seats remain)

In 2015, one of my longtime followers pulled me aside at an event, and quietly shared, “I knew the moment you were back.” I paused and considered the observation. Hmmm. I was never ‘gone’. I had been very actively working on and in my business, growing our programs, managing the team, advising my high-end clients, and […] via Ali Brown

Morgana - Mastering Magic: How to Make Things Happen and Manifest Abundance

  You don’t have to call yourself a magician, mystic, psychic, priestess or wiccan to be magical. Every wish, prayer, business plan, and affirmation carries magic. The question is, how do you get better at making things happen? How do you manifest more abundance and prosperity? My mother introduced me to my awareness of magic. No one casts a circle or leads a ritual like she can! Maybe it’s because she’s my mother, or because she’s a triple Leo, or because she has a special talent for it, but there always seems to be stronger magic when she plays High Priestess. As I got older and made my own way, I found ritual magic became less effective for me. There was almost a feeling desperation, a forcing quality when I would set up my altar and call in the directions. (As if they aren’t already there?) Most importantly, I noticed all that ceremonial stuff didn’t seem to be working for me. That doesn’t mean the magic stopped. In fact it intensified. I believe things work for you unt...

- ‘Your ICONIC 2019’ — Glambition Radio Episode 157 with Ali Brown

Let’s do this! There’s some powerful energy in the air for 2019 around creating what you REALLY want next. But there are some major moves you have to consider first to get there, and I’m sharing them with you TODAY on this special solo episode of #GlambitionRadio. My first recommendation may surprise you, and that’s […] via Ali Brown

3 Things To Do Before Planning Your 2019 Goals - Brian Tracy

The novelty of things like New Year’s resolutions are amusing approaches setting goals. But, the inherent problem is that this type of off-the-cuff goal setting doesn’t usually entail a tremendous amount of planning. That’s generally why the vast majority of resolutions are not actualized. If you have an image of where you want to be 10 years from now and genuinely want to get there, the journey begins by laying the groundwork for your goal setting in 2019. Having a 10-year plans starts with having a 1-year program that sets realistic expectations and connects the present with the future. Consider taking inventory about where you are regarding life goals today and ask yourself fundamental questions such as the following. Where am I today with my finances? What is my current lifestyle situation? How solid are my health and well-being? How far have I progressed in my professional life? It’s important to be realistic about where you are in terms of personal, financial and prof...

Everything You Need to Know About Publishing Your Book - Brian Tracy

I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that learning how to publish a book or e-book seems to be a daunting task. But does it need to be? The publishing landscape has changed so much over the last ten years that you might be surprised by how simple it has become. In this quick and easy guide, we’ll discuss some of the basic steps involved in getting a book published. Then we’ll go into detail about publishing companies as well as self-publishing options so you’ll have a good idea of which choice is right for you. If you were able to learn how to write a book , then taking the next step should be a breeze. Ready to begin? Let’s start by taking a look at some common new author questions. What Is a Publisher? A publisher is an individual or a corporation that takes responsibility for printing, storing and distributing a digital or written work, such as a book. If you are a writer or an author, you may work with a publisher at some point during your career. How Much Does ...