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Showing posts from January, 2017

Morgana - 5 Star Clients Gone Wild with Jeanna Gabellini on Morgana Radio

Jeanna Gabellini is a master business coach who supports conscious entrepreneurs to double and even triple their profits by leveraging attraction principles, proven strategies, and fun. She’s also the coauthor of Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction with Eva Gregory, Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield. Jeanna combines vision, divine guidance, and easy to implement actions. She guides entrepreneurs to blow past their self imposed limits, ditch the drama of overwhelm, and move into radical joy, inner peace and ever increasing profits. In today’s interview, Five Star Clients Gone Wild – Attract All the Clients You Want Without Even Trying, Jeanna teaches the secrets to attracting all the ideal clients you want without even trying.   You’ll learn how to identify your own criteria for “5 Star Clients” the key making client attraction automatic how money beliefs impact your ability to attract clients a different way to approach marketing–especially if you hate ...

How to Be Lucky and Create the Life of Your Dreams - Brian Tracy

Have you ever thought that a person was just luckier than you or that great things always came to them? Do you think it’s possible to make your own luck? Learning how to be lucky is easier than you might think… I am going to introduce you to seven of the most helpful ways to be lucky, all of which are learnable by you. Each of these luck factors can be quickly incorporated into your life and can literally double your effectiveness and your results in a very short period of time. Now you can truly create your own luck! 1) Clarity The first of these factor in making your own luck is simply, “Clarity.” Clarity simply means that you know exactly what it is you want and is perhaps the most important luck factor of all, at least at the beginning. The more definite you are about what you want, the more alert and aware you will be of opportunities and possibilities to achieve it faster. Become Absolutely Clear About What You Want All successful people are absolutely clear about who ...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Parents Fighting the Reason For Being Single?

Question: My parents fought a lot when I was younger and I feel that created a block in me. How can I move past this hangup? Could this be the reason why I remain single? Answer: I applaud your willingness to dive deep, look inward, and find the core issue versus keeping yourself busy, ignoring the healing that needs to take place. It is time to look, feel, and breathe in the truth. With these skills, you will open yourself to more success dating. To see my full response, check out the video and full article on Digital Romance, right  HERE . You can also find this video and many other on YouTube, so please be sure to subscribe to  Digital Romance TV Also, If you have a burning question about love, dating or life in general for me, comment below, or ask me on Twitter  @AllanaPratt  and just use #AllanaQandA. The post Parents Fighting the Reason For Being Single? appeared first on Allana Pratt . via Allana Pratt

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - My Boyfriend is Spineless!

Question: Just like his mother, my boyfriend is extremely passive aggressive.  I want him to just spit out what the problem is instead of dragging it out with little comments here and there. Answer: I hear you and your frustration is valid (and hilarious!) Take a step back my love and look at your interaction and communication.  While you say you keep your frustrations under raps, he may still be sensing it, causing him to walk on eggshells. To see my full response, check out the video and full article on Digital Romance, right  HERE . You can also find this video and many other on YouTube, so please be sure to subscribe to  Digital Romance TV Also, If you have a burning question about love, dating or life in general for me, comment below, or ask me on Twitter  @AllanaPratt  and just use #AllanaQandA. The post My Boyfriend is Spineless! appeared first on Allana Pratt . via Allana Pratt

Morgana - The True Vision Blueprint with Bob Doyle on Morgana Radio

Bob Doyle is a featured expert in the film and book “The Secret” and has been teaching Law of Attraction principles from a scientific standpoint since 2002. Bob is best known for demystify this often misunderstood principle so that people from any background or belief system can utilize the Law of Attraction to truly create lives they love without necessarily having to take blind leaps of faith or compromise their belief system. Bob’s Wealth Beyond Reason program has long been considered one of the most complete and comprehensive Law of Attraction curricullums available anywhere, and has changed the lives of thousands of students for over a decade. Bob believes that we are here to acknowledge and follow our true passions, and that by doing so, we will most effortlessly manifest the lives we love Today Bob shares his True Vision Blueprint to help * Create a powerful vision blueprint to help you effortlessly navigate your way to success * Align to your desires BEHIND your de...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Wife and I No Longer Share a Bed

Q: Allana, I am worried.  My wife and I are no longer sharing a bed.  She told me that it was because she was having trouble sleeping. The thing is, we have always shared a bed! Am I missing a red flag? Is something wrong? A: Yes my sweet King, I definitely think something is going on! Something has shifted and there in an imbalance.  Let me ask, is the amount of sex still the same? Is the intimacy and passion still there? If everything remains the same, let’s look at other factors. For my full response, watch the video and read the whole article on The Good Men Project, right  HERE . As their newest columnist, you can continue to find amazing articles likes this and more so continue to check out my column Awaken Your Badass Nobility. You can many of my Q&A videos on YouTube, so please be sure to subscribe to  my channel ! Also, If you have a burning question about love, dating or life in general for me, comment below, or ask me on T...

5 Essential Positive Character Traits for a Better Life - Brian Tracy

You have everything within you to achieve your best life possible. The great thing is that all success is learnable. You can learn any character traits to make yourself a more successful person. There are many ways that you can become successful and many different meanings of the word success. Here are five important, character traits that one must learn to develop to achieve success and a better life. 1) Common Sense The first and most important of the personal qualities needed for success is, common sense. It is said that the average person has an enormous amount of common sense because he or she hasn’t used any of it yet. Common sense seems to be something that a person accumulates as the result of experience over a long period of time. Common sense is defined as the,  “Ability to cut to the core of a matter, to recognize and deal with the essential elements of a problem or a situation, rather than getting sidetracked by smaller issues or symptoms.” Another definition of...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Mom Wants To Be My Wingman

Question: My mother keeps trying to find me a man and I can’t take it anymore! She doesn’t know that I am dating someone and I haven’t told her because I don’t believe she will approve. Answer: This is a wonderful opportunity to follow your heart and choose to no longer live your life based on your mother’s approval. You are annoyed with her judgment and being involved in your dating life, I hear you and I am sorry! Now is the time to choose to stand in your power, no longer feeling the need to hide, apologize, or justify. To see my full response, check out the video and full article on Digital Romance, right  HERE . You can also find this video and many other on YouTube, so please be sure to subscribe to  Digital Romance TV Also, If you have a burning question about love, dating or life in general for me, comment below, or ask me on Twitter  @AllanaPratt  and just use #AllanaQandA. The post Mom Wants To Be My Wingman appeared first on Allan...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Ditched Me For His Ex

Question: First I was laid off, then I accumulated unexpected expenses, and the icing on the cake was that my boyfriend broke up with me so he could return to his ex-girlfriend! I am losing all faith. Help me see the lesson, the gift, or at least help me understand why this is happening to me. Answer: My love, the universe is trying to break you. No, it is not trying to hurt you in a malicious way, it is trying to break the shell you have created, the identity or ego that surrounds you in order to reveal your true worth. To see my full response, check out the video and full article on Digital Romance, right  HERE . You can also find this video and many other on YouTube, so please be sure to subscribe to  Digital Romance TV Also, If you have a burning question about love, dating or life in general for me, comment below, or ask me on Twitter  @AllanaPratt  and just use #AllanaQandA. The post Ditched Me For His Ex appeared first on Allana Pratt...

Morgana - Get Known Everywhere With Jill Lublin | Morgana Radio

If you want to be the #1 Influencer in your industry, you’ve got to get bigger media visibility. Based on her international bestseller, Guerrilla Publicity, Jill Lublin shares simple strategies to help you go from unknown to newsworthy. Jill Lublin is an international speaker on the topics of Radical Influence, Publicity, Networking, Kindness and Referrals. She is the author of 3 best selling books including Get Noticed…Get Referrals and co-author of Guerrilla Publicity and Networking Magic. Her latest book, Profit of Kindness, is published by Career Press. Jill is a master strategist on how to position your business for more profitability and more visibility in the marketplace. She is CEO of a strategic consulting firm and has over 20 years’ experience working with over 100,000 people plus national and international media. Jill teaches Publicity Crash Courses as both live events and live webinars and consults and speaks all over the world. Sharing her proven secrets to understandin...

How to Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet - Brian Tracy

If approached correctly from the start, 2017 has the potential to be your best year yet. As we enter what I hope will be the single best year of your life yet, I want to leave you with some advice on how to make this year amazing from the start. Take advantage of your new year motivation and take a moment to get in the proper mindset. It is a new year, and a great time to get your goals in line and set priorities for exactly what YOU want to achieve in 2017. Get Closure on 2016 The first strategy for long-term success is to get closure on your previous year . Getting closure on your previous year is the first step because, without this moment of self-reflection, it will be very difficult for you to determine where you are headed in the future and the reasons why you didn’t achieve all the goals you set from your previous year. Remember, the purpose of this isn’t to feel badly about not fully accomplishing those goals. Really big goals take a long time to achieve. The point is to ...

Morgana - Why Affirmations are Pathetic

I shouldn’t be writing this. Affirmations are such big business for my friends and colleagues and the people who hire me. And affirmations are stupid. Why? When you can’t get (or leave) a job, or pay your mortgage, or find a date… chanting to yourself, “I’m a millionaire,” isn’t going to solve your problems. Don’t get me wrong. I LIKE affirmations. I think they’re useful. I have a few in my book. I’m the kind of girl who makes things happen by thinking, “I want that.” But I do a lot of inner work to make that possible. Affirmations are like putting pretty make-up on a canker sore: it doesn’t cover the problem. I’m a little edgier than my Law of Attraction coach friends. They say, “Change the way you feel. Be grateful. Visualize what you want.” When I have my first session with a client, I say, “Go for the negative thoughts! Let’s really find out what’s there.” Not just the stuff you know you think about money/love/yourself (cause really, it all ends up affecting how you feel abou...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - He’s So Clingy! Why?

Question: My boyfriend and I have been dating for awhile and he is becoming super clingy, as if he can not be by himself.  I went out of town for business for a few weeks and since my return, he is been acting like a complete brat. Is this some type of guy thing? Like pulling my ponytails to show he likes me? Answer: You are annoyed by your boyfriends behavior, I hear you. I invite you to look past his bratty behavior and fight picking, invoke your feminine intuition and look deeper to discover what his beneath his behaviors. To see my full response, check out the video and full article on Digital Romance, right  HERE . You can also find this video and many other on YouTube, so please be sure to subscribe to  Digital Romance TV Also, If you have a burning question about love, dating or life in general for me, comment below, or ask me on Twitter  @AllanaPratt  and just use #AllanaQandA. The post He’s So Clingy! Why? appeared fi...

Morgana - Money Honey Thought of the Day–truth, integrity, childhood wounds

Money Honey Thought for the Day: About 20 years ago I decided that any viable business action needed to satisfy 3 criteria: be fun, help others, make lots of money. The 3rd piece took me the longest to master, and it has been at the center of my spiritual journey and coaching work. I notice that my net profit is inversely related to my childhood wounds: The more I operate out of fear and needing to be liked, the more I compromise my values (and value). The more I stand in my truth and integrity, and go against industry norms I don’t like, the more I see the rewards in my net profit. And sometimes that can be scary. So I have some tools to help me find my truth. The first “Magic Acclerator” in my Financial Alchemy: 12 Months of Magic & Manifestation workbook is all about Making Space and letting go…  completing or deleting the things that don’t enhance aliveness. My husband and I are clearing out decades of books and CDs, old papers and clothes… And I’m making lists...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Why Should I Spend Money on Lingerie?

Question: Why do I have to spend my money on lingerie?! It infuriates me that I have to be so sexy just to turn him on. Why can’t he buy it himself? Answer: Fellow goddess, it sounds like you feel as if he is taking advantage of you? As if your outsides are more valued, more appreciated, more important than your insides, yes? I don’t think this is about the lingerie, I think this has triggered something much deeper, your value as a woman. To see my full response, check out the video and full article on Digital Romance, right  HERE . You can also find this video and many other on YouTube, so please be sure to subscribe to  Digital Romance TV Also, If you have a burning question about love, dating or life in general for me, comment below, or ask me on Twitter  @AllanaPratt  and just use #AllanaQandA. The post Why Should I Spend Money on Lingerie? appeared first on Allana Pratt . via Allana Pratt

Morgana - Living Life in the Miracle Zone with Debra Poneman | Morgana Radio

Debra Poneman has been a trailblazer in personal development for over 30 years. She is a bestselling author, founder of Yes to Success Seminars and co-founder of Your Year of Miracles Mentoring Program for Women, has shared her system now used by tens of thousands of people in every corner of the world to create lives filled with success, abundance, deep fulfillment and profound self love. Known as the mentor to the mentors, Debra’s students have taken her teachings and become mega-successful entrepreneurs, renowned transformational leaders, and NY Times bestselling authors; many have become millionaires or billionaires—some even household names.  But Debra’s greatest gift is her deep belief that everyone is magnificence and her ability to convey that belief from her heart to yours. In today’s interview Debra will teach you how to live a life that is not only successful and happy but miraculous. You will: Hear the story of Debra’s near-death experience and what was revealed to...

The Difference Between Goal-Setters & Non-Goal-Setters - Brian Tracy

Goal-setting has been one of the major cornerstones to my own personal success journey. The ability to set and achieve a goal through systematic focus and accomplishment is the most powerful way to turn your dreams and visions into reality. As I always say, people with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine. Throughout my life, I have encountered a lot of people who fail to buy into the idea of goal-setting. They insist that by simply having an idea in their head of where they’d like to end up, that they’ll be able to get there without a problem. To address those who doubt the power of goal-setting, I’m going to present a comparison of two people who both want the same thing. One of them is a goal-setter, the other one isn’t. Achieve your New Year’s goals faster and with more drive than you ever thought possible, download my free 14-Step Goal-Setting Guide . Goal-Setters VS Non-Goal-Setters Imagine this ...