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Showing posts from August, 2018

Morgana - Weight Loss for Body, Mind and Soul with JJ Flizanes | Morgana Radio

Weight loss doesn’t come from diet and exercise… JJ Flizanes shares the hard science and spiritual principles of “Invisible Fitness for effective weigh loss and life success… and she walks you through her 5 Steps to Release Weight and Body Shame. JJ was named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles by Elite Traveler Magazine, is an Empowerment Strategist and host of several podcasts. An Amazon best-selling author, JJ has been featured in many national magazines, including Shape, Fitness, and Women’s Health as well as appeared on NBC, CBS, Fox and KTLA. There is NO wealth without health. In this episode of Morgana Radio, you will learn: What “Inner Fitness” is, and why it matters Why dieting and exercise is hurting us and not producing the results we want The real mind-body-soul connection for lasting success and happiness What you need to do–and in what order! –to drop weight and keep it off Biochemical cravings vs emotional eating The connection between fitness and love JJ’s...

Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Successful Entrepreneur? - Brian Tracy

Successful entrepreneurs have the potential to radically improve the world on multiple fronts. Not only can they meet economic needs and please customers, but they can also help their employees achieve their full potential. If you dream of making a difference in this way, you just might make a great entrepreneur. To know if entrepreneurship is right for you, and if you have the qualities of a great entrepreneur, consider these things. 1. Have a Passion for What You Do One of the most important elements of successful entrepreneurship is loving what you do. This means not just a love for doing business, but also a passion for your specific field. Not only does loving your work make it easier to carry out your daily duties, but it can make those actions seem like they aren’t even duties at all. You are likely to spend your free time brushing up your skills or thinking of ways to attract more clients. Those who love what they do are also more likely to deal with failure construc...

- Angelique Rewers, CEO of The Corporate Agent — Glambition Radio Episode 149 with Ali Brown

After pulling all-nighters in her job at a global corporate consulting firm, a major hospitalization woke up Angelique Rewers to seek her own path. Her first step was launching her own boutique agency. But today, as The Corporate Agent, she mentors entrepreneurs from around the world helping them land corporate contracts. She’s sharing her journey […] via Ali Brown

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - TOP TEN out of 200 Episodes!

Out of 200 episodes on the Speaking of Partnership podcast, I have the honor of being #10! That’s right, out of 200 episodes, I made it to the Top Ten list! This is such an amazing honor, I can’t think you all enough for loving me, trusting me, and welcoming me into your homes and hearts. Thank you. If you didn’t have a chance to see my interview, you can watch it again here: The post TOP TEN out of 200 Episodes! appeared first on Allana Pratt . via Allana Pratt

6 Tips to Enjoy Career Success - Brian Tracy

Everyone dreams of having a highly successful career that they enjoy and that provides them with the lifestyle they desire. Far too many of us, though, end up settling short when it comes to career success , working jobs we don’t enjoy for less money than we’d like to have. The good news is that having a successful career is something that is largely under your own control. If you would like to start enjoying career success, follow these six steps. 1. Choose Your Job Wisely The first and by far the most important step to achieving career success is choosing your occupation. Choosing an occupation that will bring you success, though, comes down to how you define success. Do you want a career that allows you to travel or a steady job that lets you settle into a pleasant routine? Do you want a career that makes lots of money, or is money only a secondary concern? Once you define your priorities, you can mold your career around them. Of course, the most important priority is that...

- Sheri Salata, Former President of Oprah Winfrey Network + Harpo — Glambition Radio Episode 149 with Ali Brown

Sheri Salata had a dream job that many would kill for — a 20-year exhilarating career serving as Executive Producer of The Oprah Winfrey Show, and later as the Co-President of Harpo Studios and OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network. On this #GlambitionRadio episode, I first have Sheri walk us through how she landed her dream […] via Ali Brown

- Shaping up, meeting up, and stepping up…

Well I can’t believe the twins have just started kindergarten. For those of you who are moms I’m sure you can relate to what an emotional day it was for all of us. I’m so proud of who they are becoming, but also there’s always a bit of sadness when it seems to happen so fast. […] via Ali Brown

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - The Intimacy Between Love and Money

Each week on Intimate Conversations Podcast, I have the pleasure of placing some of the industry best in the hot seat where we dive deep and get raw. When it is my turn to be on the spot, it is so insanely empowering to be so exposed to the world. To speak my truth is divine. This week, I sat down with Devi and we discussed a number of topics such as the Inner Queen and King, learned to keep your heart open,  deep forgiveness of the self, and so much more. Listen now The post The Intimacy Between Love and Money appeared first on Allana Pratt . via Allana Pratt

Morgana - Love is my Teacher

I’m crying while I write this. I just visited my father. Last year he moved to Ohio–his wife’s home town–because we can provide him far better full-time Alzheimer’s care there. There’s also less pollution, less traffic, and more emotional support for my stepmother. It was the right choice. It’s much harder for me to see him, but dad’s care and happiness is more important. I was really dreading this last trip. Our last attempt at FaceTime he didn’t recognize me. At this point I don’t think he can recognize an iPhone as a phone, or the video as a live interaction. He hasn’t recognized his wife for many months. I was prepared for, and fearing, this next level of loss. The trip went far better than I expected. We did connect. On many levels. Some moments I was his daughter. Some moments I was just someone he knew he loved. Some moments I was just someone to play him iPhone videos from “Singing in the Rain.” Some moments I was just someone to sit and hold his hand, reassuring him that “...

Morgana - Midlife Love Lessons

There are great advantages to meeting your partner later in life. We’re more realistic, less selfish, better equipped to be good partners. We better understand what matters (and what doesn’t) when it comes to our happiness. I’m just so grateful for Devin. He knows my concerns about Alzheimer’s, so he takes me ballroom dancing every week (the BEST activity for brain health, and not too shabby for romance, either). He takes me to the beach to swim while he walks the shore. And he makes me green smoothies with blueberries and turmeric. Our 100 weddings in 100 countries is just frosting. Talk about protecting and providing… I have a hunch his love language is acts of service. Again, I’m so grateful. The post Midlife Love Lessons appeared first on Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching, Inc. . via Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching, Inc.

Morgana - A Problem in the Coaching World

Something I’ve been thinking about… A significant problem I see in the coaching world–and coaching marketing–is the presumption of a level playing field. To assume that the challenges facing a tall white guy and a short black woman are the same is… laughable. And unfair. Which is not to say that tall guys don’t face and overcome challenges. But it’s still not a level playing field. We know from countless studies that women, people of color, short people, differently-abled people experience negative bias from banks, businesses, the justice system, health care, strangers, and on and on. Tons of obstacles invisible to people without those life experiences. This doesn’t in any way mean that success isn’t possible outside the TWG (tall white guy) lane. Most of my biggest success stories have been women clients, from all races, all over the planet. Women CAN make millions and do. But awareness and acknowledgment that obstacles exist is key. Not as an excuse. As a place to start. Star...

How to Create & Strengthen Your Personal Brand - Brian Tracy

Personal branding plays a crucial role in your success. Whether you’re aware of it or not, everyone has a personal brand or image that affects the way others see and think about you. That’s why your personal brand and image are so important in determining if you’re successful in life . What is a Personal Brand? Let me define a personal brand first — a brand is basically a promise. When you have a brand, it’s a promise that you make and are known for keeping to the person who you are asking or trying to influence. Human beings decide emotionally and justify logically. If you have a good personal brand, people are willing to pay you more for your product or service and argue less. What Does it Mean When You Brand Yourself? Branding yourself means developing your professional identity to align with your values. A brand always begins with your values. What do you stand for? Quality? Excellence? Responsiveness? Teamwork? Innovation? Leadership? Then you build a tremendous persona...

- Amanda Tress, Founder of FASTer Way To Fat Loss  — Glambition Radio Episode 147 with Ali Brown

You’re about to hear an insightful interview from one of my top clients. But on this show you’re going to hear a very personal story from me, Ali Brown, of how I lost 25 pounds over the last three months, and it was easier and more enjoyable than I ever thought possible. (Have a peek […] via Ali Brown