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Showing posts from November, 2018

Turn All Your Dreams into Reality With a Personal Development Plan - Brian Tracy

Focusing on your own individual  personal development plan enhances the qualities you hold within you and makes your dreams and aspirations turn into a reality. Your potential is limitless and investing in personal development is a way to harness your many talents. Establishing aims and goals for what you want to achieve, where you would like to go in the short term or long term, can improve your personal development.  What is Personal Development? After studying just about everything that has been written or said about personal development and success, I have come to the conclusion that the root of both is your level of self-confidence. Self-confidence is the critical factor in everything you accomplish because, with the appropriate amount, you will try almost anything. This article will cover more than just a personal development definition, but the personal skills needed for development and improvement. Many people underachieve in their careers because they do not ...

4 Must Know Habits Of All Highly Successful People - Brian Tracy

The whole secret of personal success is to find out what your calling is and then do it. One great question for your individual success is, what are the habits of successful people ? Why is it that some people have positive thinking patterns, while others do not? What determines your self-concept for success? Many successful people have been interviewed over the years and asked the question, “What do you think about, most of the time?” Their answers are simple and consistent, and yet so profound that they can be life-changing. In short, the habits of successful people revolve around positive thinking. They think about what they want, and how to get it. Successful people have all concluded, one way or the other that the way your self-concept and mind is programmed from early childhood. Your self-concept plays a decisive role in almost everything you think, feel and accomplish as an adult. By learning these four habits of successful people, you too will become a successful perso...

- Lyndie Benson, Founder + Designer of Bleusalt — Glambition Radio Episode 155 with Ali Brown

This is a story of personal reinvention, as well as fashion innovation. Meet Lyndie Benson. You may not know her name, but her talents were behind the career of her husband for 30 years: saxophonist Kenny G. (Many don’t know that Lyndie named all of Kenny’s commercially successful albums and names of the songs, as well […] via Ali Brown

How Public Speaking Courses Will Engage, Entertain & Inform Any Audience - Brian Tracy

I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say the ability to engage, entertain, and inform an audience through public speaking is a skill that offers immense value in several different aspects. But did you know: It’s a skill that you can use as the foundation for an incredibly successful career, as many public speakers are paid thousands of dollars or more for a single speaking engagement. In fact: Learning how to become a better public speaker is a valuable pursuit, whether you are wanting to pursue a career in public speaking or improve your public speaking skills in order to further your current career. And the best way – by far – to learn these skills is to take a public speaking course designed to teach you how to overcome your fears of public speaking and engage, entertain, and inform an audience all at the same time. Below, we’ll take a look at what public speaking courses are, the benefits that they offer, and how you can use these resources to become a better public speake...

Morgana - How to deal with Money and Jealousy

“How do you deal with Money and Jealousy?” A reader writes that having money can sometimes become a source of conflict in her personal and professional relationships. Some of the time this conflict can arise from jealousy. She would love to hear my take on this battle in terms of financial alchemy… First of all, great topic! Let me start with my own admission. Years ago I would see a friend of mine charge a lot of money, a LOT of money, way beyond what I was charging…   My own dance with Money Jealousy   MY first reaction was judgment. How dare she? How does she think she’s worth that? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah… and then I paused and thought, “What if I’m meant to see this for a reason? What reaction would serve my personal growth?”   I noticed that people were actually paying her astronomical fee! We’re talking $10,000 for two-days, or $100,000 for a year. It seemed ridiculous to me. And people were paying her!   So I made a decision and created a mega...

7 Interview Tips to Find Your Dream Job - Brian Tracy

Acing an interview is both art and science. In order to give effective answers, you need to anticipate the information that interviewers want and figure out how to state it in a detailed, coherent way. But you also have to master the informal, interpersonal aspects of the interview, interacting with your potential employer in a way that makes you seem trustworthy, interesting, and likable. Only through careful preparation can you master both the formal skills and the informal ones, creating a positive, lasting impression. The next time you land an interview for a promising job, follow these interview tips. Anticipate and Practice Questions During a job interview, you need to anticipate likely questions. Preparing for an interview begins with thinking of the questions that the employer is likely to ask, as well as what responses will answer them effectively. While every interview is different, most involve questions like these. 1. Know Your Elevator Speech When employers lead ...

- Lauren Zander, Creator of the Handel Method — Glambition Radio Episode 154 with Ali Brown

Lauren Zander (formerly Handel) started her career the same as many of us did — she took a desk job straight out of college, wanting to save the world. She hated the job, but she discovered that she had a knack for helping people solve their problems, so she began coaching people through their struggles. […] via Ali Brown

5 Employee Appreciation Tips to Make Your Employees Feel Awesome - Brian Tracy

Feeling appreciated fuels motivation, and the ability to make others feel as if their efforts and contributions are truly appreciated is a big part of what makes a good leader. Employee appreciation may seem easy enough, but the truth is that it’s often easier said than done. The general consensus among employees tends to be that their bosses don’t truly appreciate them, and you’ll have to overcome that general consensus to prove otherwise. To help you hone your leadership qualities so that your team will feel more appreciated and, in turn, be more motivated, consider implementing these five steps. 1. Genuinely Care One of my favorite leadership quotes says: “The best leaders have a high Consideration Factor. They really care about their people”. You see, it’s not enough to compliment your employees when they do good – if it’s not genuine, they will see straight through it. Before you can get to the point where your team feels appreciated, you have to get to the point where y...

Morgana - Real Self Care Is Not All Bubble Baths

Self care is not all bubble baths, scented candles, and walks on the beach. Today it’s buying myself a fricking hearing aid to keep that part of my brain active and healthy. Keeping it real. Next I’ll invest in an x-ray because a chiropractor at the mastermind I attended last week says my right shoulder is rotated forward and that’s why I’ve got lower back pain. Treatment for spinal stenosis may be in my future. Isn’t aging fun? I wear corrective glasses now. I take daily vitamin and herbal supplements to boost my thyroid (and eat tons of seaweed!), and I megadose on Turmeric daily just because. I’ve lost 13 pounds on a very low calorie, low glycemic diet, because it’s good for my heart and my brain. I don’t feel deprived. I feel excited. It’s the lowest I’ve been in years. I have about 9 pounds to go to hit my pre-husband weight. This is the first time in my life that I’ve focused on weight loss NOT out of self-hate, NOT out of fear of being unloveable as I am, NOT out of buy...