My friend Adam Gilad was on the show LIVE from a cab in San Francisco, how super COOL was that! We talked a lot about online dating, our favorite restaurant in SF, what a delicious talk indeed. He also shared with me his thoughts about consciousness, our passion, and yes, even conflict resolution. I just have a deeper respect for Adam’s eloquence, his heart and understanding of what really works in communicating one’s truth. Just talking to him inspired me to try online dating, I am posting my profile again! Adam’s enthusiasm for life, mixed with my luscious deliciousness is a sizzling combination! This show is packed! If you weren’t able to make this call, log into your dashboard or sign up for access to Intimate Conversations LIVE at . Author, Teacher, Lovemeister, Emmy-Nominated Executive Producer, Stanford Humanities Center Graduate Fellow, Lady Davis Research Fellow at Hebrew University, father, reveler, kneeler in awe and aspiring sag...