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Showing posts from January, 2013

jesse - “7 Ways to Get the Most Out of Publishing an Ezine” by Ali Brown

Recent studies confirm that consumers and business owners alike still prefer email marketing as the #1 way of communicating about new products and services. But for the most part, only retail chains or “daily deal” type sites can get away … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

jesse - Ezines are BACK, baby…

Many of you know back in the early 2000s, I was known as the “Ezine Queen“. Don’t worry, I’m not bringing back the logo (shown here)! But my topic today is bringing back memories for sure! You see, my little … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

admin - To Unlock Your Employee’s Ultimate Potential, Uncover Their Work Strategy

How do you optimize someone’s productivity? That’s what we’re focusing on today, as we continue our look at metaprograms, the filters that determine much of our behavior. In earlier posts in this series we looked at how to determine: if someone is moving toward or away from things has an internal or external frame of [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

jesse - “Do They ‘Get’ What You Do? 3 Must-Have Elements to a Powerful Marketing Message” by Ali Brown

Your marketing message is your ‘elevator pitch’. It’s a short, concise way to tell people what you do. Done well, it can turn a stranger into a potential client. But if it’s not well-crafted, it can actually kill your credibility, … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

jesse - Your free ticket to my live event in March 2013…

Many of you have been asking me when I plan to host my next live “in person” event, so mark your calendars. The time has come… I’d like to invite you to become an Elevate member and join me for … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

Allana - Do you know HOW to get what you really want?

How… how to get what you want? I know it’s just semantics, but words hold power. Say this to yourself. “I want a relationship.” Feels like you’re creating from lack, from emptiness, from not having, huh? This puts you into grasping, pushing, trying, proving, strategizing and losing YOU in the process. From this place you spin in your mind HOW HOW HOW am I going to MAKE this happen? Quite often from there, after some failed attempts, is spins south into, What’s the point? It’ll never happen. Why try. I don’t need a relationship. No you don’t. Yet if you’re going to HAVE one you’re going to have to STOP wanting and START choosing. Say this. “I choose a relationship.” Doesn’t that feel lighter? Stronger? Happier? More expansive? Does it even awaken a little fire in you? LIke, “I’m HAVING it. OH Yeh. Mine.” From a place of choice instead of want… the energy in you is receptive, allowing, opening to truly having it now. All you do is close the gap. Now instead of asking HOW HOW HOW… try ...

Allana - (Another) Intimate Conversations with Sheila Kelley

The amazing Sheila Kelley is at DC with her man attending the Inaugural Ball! Just crossing my fingers for now hoping she’ll make the show live on Thursday. Nonetheless, we can prerecord or invite one of her S Factor teachers! There’s no surprise, the teachers in her classes are such fascinating personalities ready to unleash their erotic creatures within, they were mentored only by the BEST. This conversation will be sensational about dissolving shame around our glorious bodies and shining in our feminine power. Get ready for the erotic creature to be unleashed! Please sign up for this series at , and join us Thursday for this great call! The post (Another) Intimate Conversations with Sheila Kelley appeared first on Allana Pratt . via Allana Pratt

laura - Giving Clients the Boot: How to Fire Problem Clients

No one likes a problem client, but no one wants to have to be the one to fire them, either. It’s tough to decide which your business needs more: The money that your problem client is paying you, or the vacancy that will open up for a better client once you’ve fired the problem one. Let me make this simple for you: your business needs the better client more than the problem client. Clients who make nothing but trouble for you and do little more than give you a headache every time you deal with them need to be shown the door. But before you put your reputation at risk, let’s take a look at a few ways to gracefully tell your clients that their payments are no longer necessary to the success of your business. How to Tactfully Fire Problem Clients The way you let go of each client will depend on what they did to make it into the penalty box. For instance, one who doesn’t ever pay your invoices will be given different reasons for termination than the one who always pays on time but conti...

jesse - “Yes, I’m expecting babies this summer!” :) by Ali Brown

If you watched my livecast this week, you know I made a big personal announcement during the first hour. My fiancé Brett and I are not only pregnant, but we are expecting TWINS. Twins! Yes, really. While we weren’t “trying” … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

jesse - “Your BEST Financial Move in 2013: Owning a Business” by Ali Brown

One fact for all of us who live in the U.S. is that no matter what tax bracket we’re in, our taxes are likely going up. For some of us more than others. And man that gets some of us … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

Allana - Intimate Conversations – Highlights with Adam Gilad

My friend Adam Gilad was on the show LIVE from a cab in San Francisco, how super COOL was that! We talked a lot about online dating, our favorite restaurant in SF, what a delicious talk indeed. He also shared with me his thoughts about consciousness, our passion, and yes, even conflict resolution. I just have a deeper respect for Adam’s eloquence, his heart and understanding of what really works in communicating one’s truth. Just talking to him inspired me to try online dating, I am posting my profile again! Adam’s enthusiasm for life, mixed with my luscious deliciousness is a sizzling combination! This show is packed! If you weren’t able to make this call, log into your dashboard or sign up for access to Intimate Conversations LIVE at . Author, Teacher, Lovemeister, Emmy-Nominated Executive Producer, Stanford Humanities Center Graduate Fellow, Lady Davis Research Fellow at Hebrew University, father, reveler, kneeler in awe and aspiring sag...

Allana - Emotional Baggage? Can we please ditch it and SOAR into 2013!

OK, totally going to bust myself on this one. So my ex done me wrong. I knew the story to a tee. I didn’t make much room for him to show up any other way. When people asked about him, I always had a poor me with a kumbaya happy face story about it. And in my deepest heart I had given up on ever having it resolved, ever having peace, ever feeling free. Certain scary at the time legal circumstances unfolded and I chose to show up in court to speak my truth. Not defend myself for it was all lies. Yet I COULD have responded like a victim, taken the bate, lost my center, but I didn’t. I was the pinnacle of sanity, great motherhood and bold truth. And I won. And I noticed I had been living in a prison of my own making all those years. All I had to do was shift my focus to my north star, what I was creating, let him be an ‘interesting point of view’ in my life and move the f*&$ on. Emotional baggage? I had convicted myself in Folson Level 4 prison! AND I set myself free. I did that. We...

jesse - Did you miss it? I have good news…

If you missed my Elevate Live! online event, which took place LIVE yesterday, I have some good news… We heard from so many of you that this information was educational, enlightening, and a ton of fun. But we also heard … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

admin - The Push and Pull — Possibility vs. Necessity: Metaprogram #6

Ask someone why he went to work for his present company or why he bought his current car or house. Some people are motivated primarily by necessity, rather than by what they want. They do something because they must. They’re not pulled to take action by what is possible. They’re not looking for infinite varieties [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

Allana - Intimate Conversations with Adam Gilad

I have so much to tell you about my friend and colleague Adam Gilad! He is an author, a teacher, a Lovemeister, an Emmy-Nominated Executive Producer, a Stanford Humanities Center Graduate Fellow, a Lady Davis Research Fellow at Hebrew University, a father, reveler, kneeler in awe and aspiring sage… Whew! I am so excited about this Thursday. Adam will be sharing his online dating tips for both men and women. This brilliant man! He knows the world of dating, inside and out. You’ll be certain to learn something you can apply right away. Get ready for some fun, come and join us on our “date”! Let’s get the house on fire! Please sign up for this series at , and join us Thursday for this great call! The post Intimate Conversations with Adam Gilad appeared first on Allana Pratt . via Allana Pratt

Allana - Bring out the erotic goddess in you….Bring on the toys!

Bring out the erotic goddess in you….get daring in the bed…he or she will love it. Bring on the toys! How Daring are you in BED? I’m not saying you need to swing from the chandeliers or you’re boring… I’m just saying a major complaint of both men and women is that sex gets boring and predictable. Or that she wishes he would bring some bad boy flavor to the foreplay and bedroom and he wishes she’d be more erotic and free in her body. Tell the truth…have you wanted to try something yet don’t dare share it with your partner? Have you wanted to explore something but were rejected for suggesting it in the past? Have you done something you didn’t want to do and swore to never be adventurous again? I get that must have hurt. I am sorry. And you have every right to make the choice you’re making. I simply ask you to tell the truth if you are being your most ever unfolding expansive YOU, free, happy, open and totally fulfilled in the bedroom? If you are, that’s SO fabulous! And if you aren’t,...

jesse - How to Be Media-Genic: Tell It to SELL It on TV and Radio!

Boosting your image, brand, and media presence is key in taking your business to the next level. When you learn how to SELL yourself publicly, you can get your message out and attract new business. Join me tonight, as I … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

Allana - Do you only tolerate your body… in the dark?

There was a time when I wasn’t present to what people were saying. I was checking that my stomach was in, that I didn’t let them see my profile (pre nose job) and I most CERTAINLY would be very conscious of lighting when I undressed in front of someone… and making sure I showed the non-cellulite angle when making out. That time sucked. Such self-judgment. So unfulfilling, needy and disheartening. How about you love? Do you have to turn out the lights when you have sex or shy away when getting dressed? Would you let me help you embrace your sexy body? And would you let me introduce you to the master who helped tip me over the edge and become judgment free of my body, so much so that I’m now joyfully writhing in pole dancing class? Dr. Dain Heer of Access Consciousness. After interviewing him on my weekly IntimateConversationsLIVE show, and attending his Being YOU, Change the World workshop (which I highly recommend), I asked him to co create a DVD/CD for people who have body issues,...

jesse - No Eeyores allowed! Join us LIVE Tuesday…

I have a friend who watches way too much TV news. He hems and haws about the upcoming fiscal cliff, how taxes are going up-up-up, and how the country’s going to hell in a hand-basket. He has this attitude that … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

admin - What Does It Take to Convince Someone? Metaprogram #5

We’re continuing our exploration of metaprograms, the filters through which we communicate and influence others. In earlier posts in this series we looked at how to determine: if someone is moving toward or away from things whether they have an internal or external frame of reference how a person sorts themselves in relation to other [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

jesse - “Four Secrets to a Top-Selling Info Product Topic” by Ali Brown

One of the most popular ways many of the entrepreneurs I coach choose to add a new income stream to their business is by creating an info product and selling it online. It’s true that ebooks, teleseminars, CDs, and videos … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

jesse - Why successful women are never alone…

This is a special invitation to join me LIVE online on Tuesday, January 15! One of the ways many of us have created our dream lives is to start and grow our own businesses. Working from home or around the … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

Allana - Intimate Conversations with William Whitecloud

I will be meeting William Whitecloud, author of The Last Shaman (kept me reading until 1:30am, thank you for sending your book!), for the first time this Thursday. William is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has been instrumental in changing thousands of lives across the world. He created powerful techniques for self-transformation which he has used to transform his own circumstances from terminal illness and suffering to living a magical and fulfilling life. He now makes it his life’s work to teach the practical tools of magic to people everywhere. Yes, MAGIC! And, he will also be in LA on January 20 for the Master Your Destiny Leadership Program, I am hoping to meet him in person. I am so excited to know more about William’s journey of fantastic discovery and unimaginably delightful rewards! Come and join us for this magically delicious hour! Please sign up for this series at , and join us Thursday for this great call! The post Intimate ...

admin - Are You a Matcher or a Mismatcher?

We’re discusssing metaprograms, the filters through which you communicate and influence others. In earlier posts in this series we looked at how to determine: if someone is moving toward or away from things has an internal or external frame of reference how a person sorts themselves in relation to other people Today we’re going to [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

Allana - Intimate Conversations – Highlights with Cherry Norris

Awesome, grounded, and gorgeous! That’s Cherry Norris, I met her at a local dating expert holiday party. I invited her to the show and the rest… was SO FUN! Listen to the show, we totally disagreed on some points but kept honoring one another and in the flow. Too funny! It showed me a lot about how far I’ve come hearing my truth; listening to my intuition. Life is scary when you can’t hear it. We should all stop and hear our truths. Cherry is authentic, honest, brilliant and living what she teaches. You will love her as much as I do! If you weren’t able to make this call, log into your dashboard or sign up for access to Intimate Conversations LIVE at . Cherry Norris, former dating disaster, currently in a hot happy marriage is here to help you meet and marry your man. Since 2002, Cherry has been coaching smart, savvy, single women and giving fun, fail-proof tips and practical advice to help them have better romantic relationships with men. ...

Allana - New Years was fun! How was yours…Happy 2013!

So New Years was so fun!! Gabe and I played soccer, volleyball and whiffle ball in the backyard at sunset. I made first dinner around 6 and second dinner around 9. Both candle lit together. He completed all the levels on Lego Lord of the Rings and was constantly referring to videos on YouTube to unlock levels. I was writing, drinking Proseco and literally he was lying on my lap, Muffin the cat was lying on Gabe and I was typing with one hand. This is his first year ever to stay up till midnight! I am grateful for all I’ve learned in 2012. I am more intimately connected to me, my love for being alive; being a mom, being a business woman, being an advocate for loving our beautiful bodies so that they’re honored by SELF and thus OTHERS… this is brewing bright within me. I have my 3rd pole dancing class this week and already travels are booked for the New Year. I am grateful to support amazing singles and couples in being their most potent amazing selves which ignites their lives, the...

jesse - “Commit to Imperfect Action! Here’s Why…” By Ali Brown

It’s a new year, ripe with possibilities. Resolutions are being set with the best of intentions. But how will you make 2013 the year you truly create change—the year you start your business, write your novel, run the half marathon, … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

jesse - How to make 2013 count…

Whether you realize it or not, the past few years have been a bit wonky for many of us. If you feel you’ve been “tested” in any way—emotionally, spiritually, financially—you’re not alone. The reasons for this are numerous, and whether … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women