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Showing posts from February, 2013

Allana - Blind dating! Bomb? Bodacious?

I am totally open to blind dates. I am open to the variety of ways the Universe can bring me love, money, joy, miracles… Who am I to say no as long as it works for me? Yet I don’t do much in life ‘blind’ without checking in with my inner knowing first… So, I keep a look out for a few red flags before meeting someone (and on a blind date or any first date really… I meet in public places, drive myself there and back, always talk to the person first to make sure I enjoy the conversation and Google them to see what I find…always fun when they find out what I DO!!) My first question is always WHO recommended this person? If the recommender is someone who has a crappy relationship, is a total player, in and out of prison, is completely unconscious or negative in life… SO ARE THEIR FRIENDS!!! Seriously, sometimes we get either desperate to meet someone or we give our power away to another’s advice vs. trusting our own guidance… that we’ll go out with someone who’s a total mismatch… Yet if ...

jesse - Final reminder for my call tomorrow…

This is a final courtesy reminder about my free call tomorrow: “The 5 Commitments: Proven Strategies for Women to Guarantee Your Financial Success This Year”. Join me and Joy Chudacoff and learn from TWO self-made women who have built our … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

admin - Want to Communicate More Effectively? Recognize Patterns and Make New Distinctions

The metaprogram-sorting principles we’ve dealt with so far are important and powerful; however, the crucial thing to remember is that the number of metaprograms you’re aware of is limited only by your sensitivity, awareness and imagination. (See previous posts in this series here.) One of the keys to success in anything is the ability to [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

jesse - Will you join me this Thursday?

I’m thrilled that so many of you said “YES” to my upcoming free call, “The 5 Commitments: Proven Strategies for Women to Guarantee Your Financial Success This Year“. This is my first live call of 2013, and I’m hosting it … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

jesse - “My #1 Secret to Productivity: Batching” by Ali Brown

One of the most exciting parts of starting and growing a business for most if us is the freedom that comes with being an entrepreneur. No one else dictating our schedule, how we work, or even what we’re working on. … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

Allana - Where in the world can I meet a great partner? Online dating?

Are you having trouble figuring out the best way to meet a man or a woman….online…at a bar….the grocery store….coffee shop? Did you hear my recent interview with Adam Gilad on where he broke down how to fabulously navigate the world of online dating? What I love about Adam is he’s so confident, spiritual, eloquent and wise about explaining that we need to communicate in a way HE or SHE can hear when we’re writing our profiles. Really create the vision of the life you’re ready to have and write about that. I love online dating because I can pre-screen people… make sure we have similar dreams, interests etc. instead of meeting someone great in a bar who ends up not liking or wanting kids… which I can figure out before I even meet someone online. And yet even saying that, some of my best relationships have been meeting people doing what I love to do… attending personal growth seminars, goi...

jesse - Women commit, but not this way…

I was thinking this past weekend… It’s 2013, and while women are starting businesses at a faster rate than ever before (at an even faster rate than men are)… WHY is it that so many women still flounder when trying … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

Allana - Sizzle gone in your sex life? Do it in the woods…

So I have a glorious client who complained of boring sex in her marriage. Now I am going to give you some great ideas of what to do that turned us both on, in our coaching call… yet SHE had a husband to go try them out with and I am single and ready to unleash this on my next lover! Ha! Yet the important step BEFORE this will work to truly enhance the erotic adventure in your sex life… is taking a look at what limiting beliefs are in the way of you having this great sex now. I mean you DID have great sex at one point, right? So what happened? Notice if sex has become a duty, an obligation, a necessity to ‘put out’ out of fear you’re going to lose them if you don’t… who in the world wants to cook a meal, wash the clothes or have sex because they HAVE to? Getting the sizzle back is about remembering you GET to have pleasure with your partner. And CHOOSING to enjoy bliss. My client and I found that she had a belief that a wife HAS to put out. Of course she was resisting! She had create...

morgana - Video Interview with Lorwei Tan in Australia

Lorwei Tan interviews me from Down Under in Oz. Two sides of the planet on two sides of your screen. Trippy, huh? Click on the picture below, or on this link: via Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching

jesse - “8 Ways to Turn Your Passion into Profits” by Ali Brown

As an entrepreneur, one of your most important duties is keeping your mind open to fresh moneymaking ideas. Holding regular brainstorm sessions can uncover fresh spins on our original ideas, and keep the passion alive—not only within ourselves, but for … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

Allana - Self-Care: For your Partner? Or for YOU!

Taking care of our presence, is certainly appreciated by our partner… yet it’s about honoring YOU. It says “I care about me and thus I’ll have the capacity to care about you.” It says that you are able to prioritize your life in a way that nourishes, celebrates and honors yourself… breeding self-respect, sex appeal and vibrant energy with which, to embrace life. Sure, there are days when no one sees me. I have these yummy pink cashmere lounge wear pants and sweater… they are luxurious for a Sunday, yet I make a point to get dressed for work… even though I work at home. It’s my morning ritual of expressing my fashion style, of being funky or classy, sexy or saucy, sophisticated or sultry… whatever my mood… and it’s how I listen to my truth, how I allow my authentic expression to shine, and this ripples through my day. I may be the only mom that works out during my son’s baseball practice, yet it’s how I make time to stay in shape. I love how I FEEL when my jeans fit, when I have stre...

morgana - What happens if you stop talking to your Money Honey?

One of the things I've discovered over the years, after coaching THOUSANDS of people through my process, is that our money never leaves us. We leave it. Curious? I posted a new video: Please share your comments and experiences below! via Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching

Allana - Take your sex life from timidly tame to wondrously wild

I love sex. I love men. I love my body. I love receiving. And I am unwilling to have boring, tame, think about the grocery list sex. Even a quickie I choose to be fully present, engaged, open and my fullest authentic self. Even if I’m tired and it’s soft slow and mild… I still choose to feel every inch of my skin touched, my heart penetrated, my walls let down. Sex to me is more than copulation, it’s not just about body parts… it’s a dance, a conversation of energies… and if I’m not fully having ME FIRST… like at home with me, not in my head wondering if he sees my cellulite from that angle… if I’m not enjoying MY body’s capacity to give and receive pleasure… if I’m not at home with my curves, my quirks, my kinky erotic dorky unique self… how can my partner be? So to take your sex life from timid and tame to wondrous and wild… start with getting yourself in the mood, turn yourself on, fall in love with you, witness you like a Divine Erotic Creature would see you… be in awe of Life a...

Allana - Allana’s Sexy Valentine’s Secret for Seductresses on a Budget!

We ALL could stand to save a little money while feeling a little sexier this season, yes? There’s no need to stop shining your gorgeous radiance because the economic times are challenging. Don’t let them get you down because like happiness, sexiness also comes from the inside. Let your creative juices keep flowing and try something like this to stay succulent and seductive for men by having delicious time with the girlfriends. This is from Chapter 10 of my Book: Stained Glass Pedicure Party Again, find a night at one woman’s home, each of you bring your 3 favorite color polishes, and one at a time, one woman’s feet are bathed, massaged and painted in multi-colors by the group in a stained glass look. Tell her that like the multi facets of a diamond, the multi colors of her stained glass toes represent all the ways she is beautiful inside and out and how rich each of you feels to have a friend like her in your life… tell her that every time she looks at her toes to remember that SHE ...

jesse - Why Comfortable Can Kill You—Step Out for Your Best Success!

What sets apart those who succeed from those who spend their life talking about what they should have and could have done? According to transformational coach Vasavi Kumar, the secret lies in two words: choosing uncomfortable. Getting uncomfortable is the … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

admin - Want to Get Through to Others? Listen Deeply, and Adjust Your Approach

Think of almost any communication problem you have, and you’ll probably find that understanding the other person’s metaprograms will help you adjust communications so that the problem disappears. Think of a frustration in your life – someone you love who doesn’t feel loved, someone you work with who manages to rub you the wrong way, [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

Allana - Sizzle in Your Relationship Gone Flat? Let’s Get it Back!

The biggest sabotaging factor that drowns sizzle out of long term relationships is the creating of a contractive box of what’s possible around their relationship. Each partner cuts off seeing the true core of their partner and instead ‘already knows’ who they are…this box could be full of expectations, past regrets, fear of making the other upset as in the past and concerns of being rejected like in the past. “Sizzle” is really an embracing of the unknown with certainty it will bring expansion of one’s self-expression, authentic connection with another and simultaneous reverence for Life and what’s possible. Sizzle is easy when you don’t know the other… the world is your oyster. Sizzle seems a chore when you’re inside a small box of possibilities.  We are ever expanding beings so your partner IS DIFFERENT than when you first met them! And will continue to be! And so will you! Sooooo!!! To get the sizze back, which costs nothing whatsoever, yet does require a commitment to spend one ...

jesse - “11 Quick (and Good) Content Ideas for Your Ezine or Blog” by Ali Brown

Publishing articles, especially via an ezine or blog, is the ideal opportunity to showcase your business. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you build credibility as an expert, while spreading the word about your services and products. While I’m sure … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

jesse - Only 1 day left to SAVE $50 on Ezine Marketing Power…

Over the past week I’ve been sharing with you how the humble ezine can dramatically help grow your business. From growing a list of prospects to skyrocketing your sales to increasing referrals and other sources of revenue. Well, this is … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

Allana - Men..Do You Know the Four Stages of Love?

What does it take to be happy during all the stages of love? I never set out to coach men, yet I find I am a perfect fit to awaken their confidence, nobility and sex appeal at any age from 22 to 72.  What does it take to be happy during all the stages of love? The key at every stage is kindness to self and openness to what’s possible. Yet here are tips for each stage: Exploratory: Men, it’s time to discover what turns you on, makes you tick, awakens your fire, and opens your heart. Don’t give your power away to whether she likes you or not. Just enjoy discovering you and enjoying women. Learn to honor good women and watch how their light will bring out the best in you. Solidifying: Men, be sure to not let other’s opinions of how to do relationships, how to have sex, how to be intimate sway your deepest truth. Dive into what’s true for you, get acquainted with your authentic self, be the leader of One- You. Honor and celebrate your women, yet don’t give yourself away to be enough. Y...

admin - To Fully Engage Your Employees, Determine Their Work Strategies

In earlier posts in this series we looked at how to determine: if someone is moving toward or away from things has an internal or external frame of reference how a person sorts themselves in relation to other people And how to use other filters (metaprograms) that can help determine peoples’ motivations and predict their [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

jesse - Your easiest, affordable, and best marketing tool…

Did you know your most effective, least expensive, and easiest marketing tool is something you’re using RIGHT NOW? Whether you’re already working for yourself or you want to start a business, publishing an email newsletter or “ezine”, is simply something … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women