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Showing posts from March, 2013

morgana - Morgana gets real and naked about fear

I had a very human experience yesterday... Please share your thoughts and experiences below, for the benefit of all us fear-feeling human beings! P.S. Does money love you? Sign up for my FREE 4-part video series on how to become irresistibly magnetic to money (at the top of this page). via Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching

jesse - “Your Easy 3-Step Sales Funnel” (PART 1 of 3) by Ali Brown

If you’re like most solo-preneurs who offer a basic service in your business, you likely got started by just pounding the pavement to hustle up some clients. Then, you began to receive word-of-mouth referrals. And then, perhaps you put up … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

jesse - A free training video for you…

If I were to sit down with you right now to mentor you, one of the first things we would look at together is your website. You see, done properly, your website should sell for you 24 hours a day, … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

Allana - Straight talk about sex, intimacy and your body.

Judgment destroys awareness. Judgment destroys libido. Judgment destroys YOU. That’s why the more you adore your body, the more turned on you get. The more you dissolve your shame of your sexual nature, the more sex appeal you ooze! The more you erase guilt for having pleasure, the more pleasure you attract and enjoy! Well that’s all fine and dandy Miss Allana Banana, yet HOW the hell do I do all that? Well for the past 15 years I’ve successfully coached thousands of people through this very issue and soared personally into the most juicy life imaginable… and I STILL ask how can it get more luscious? And yet when I added this simple yet profound clearing to my coaching that I learned in Access Consciousness… clients results catapulted. And my juiciness expanded. So I asked Dr. Dain Heer, of Access Consciousness, if we could create a product about sex, body, intimacy and relationships. He agreed and it friggen’ ROCKS!!!!!!!!!! It rocks because we are both on our game talking about se...

Allana - Where did my radiance go?

It’s easy to love yourself when everything is working, you look great, money’s in the bank, and you’re on your game and in the zone. It’s a wee more challenging to love yourself when you’ve gained weight, lost your identity, put everyone else first for so long that you forget what even brings you pleasure. It’s especially frustrating when you start to make your worth pleasing others, so your life is set up to put you LAST. Yet there is a solution, it’s what I used, to take me from the rock bottom place, where mom had died, I was divorced, lost the house and every ounce of my confidence. It’s what I’ve used to help overwhelmed moms, or overworking alpha women find their softness, their sensuality, their feminine strength, their sultry invitational energy to feel and look fabulous and attract quality attention, affection and adoration from someone who makes them weak in the knees… Yet it’s not for those that just want a quick fix. Sorry, those are lies. You’ve taken months if not year...

jesse - “Elevate Member Spotlight: Cate Stillman from Tetonia, Idaho.”

One of the best ways to get inspired is to learn from others’ successes. That’s why in my Elevate online training program, we spotlight one of our members during our member Access Calls. Elevate Head Coach James Roche, Elevate Coach … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

Allana - You want pleasure… yet won’t ask for it… in bed.

I highly doubt any of us have gotten away with NEVER being rejected, put down or looked at weird for asking for what we want in bed. In fact a man literally ran OUT of my HOUSE once! (No I’m not going to tell you why… at least not yet…) In fact all you have to do to discover your flavor of sexuality is too much or not enough is read the cover of Cosmo. I think I’m pretty good at felacio having hosted all those Sinclair Education Institute Videos… and yet I don’t know 17 ways to please him orally before noon! So bottom line is we’ve all been judged for our sexuality. And we made one of two choices… decided Wow, curious point of view… and moved on like water rolling off a ducks back, asking What’s it going to take for me to be with someone who shares my sexual nature and is open to discovering and enjoying more? …or we make the choice to judge ourselves as perverted or prissy, hide in shame, blame the other, make ourselves wrong, experience sexual dysfunction, even contract diseases i...

jesse - “5 Easy Habits for Social Media Success” by Ali Brown

With so many voices on social media, from angsty teenagers to big brand marketers, it’s easy to get drowned out in all the noise. So how do you add your own unique thumbprint that attracts the right people to your … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

jesse - Selling has changed, here’s how…

You’ve likely noticed that “selling” as we know it has fundamentally shifted in the last few years. If your customers or clients sense you have a hidden agenda, you’ll not only lose the sale, you could risk losing the relationship. … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

Allana - When men are shut down, what do you do?

Ladies, when we flirt with ourselves, when we adore our body, when we have pleasure being alive, walking, eating, talking, feeling the breeze, feeling the sunshine penetrate us… really be open and receive the pleasure of being in our body… men FEEL it… they want to BE with us, touch us, give us pleasure. When we’re disconnected it’s like they’re searching in the dark, with no guarantee for a win and they become hesitant with us… which puts us MORE into our masculine and even LESS attractive. This is how we bring the best out in our men, first be alive enjoying our sensual nature, then inviting them to bring us even more pleasure and praising all they do that makes us happy. Men who are shut down may be super stressed with work where they feel they are ‘losing’ and don’t want you to think they are a ‘loser.’ We as women might not have shown verbal, physical or emotional gratitude for their efforts in the past so they stopped trying. Communication is key as you explore reconnecting wi...

admin - How to Lead an Extraordinary Life: The Three Pillars of Progress

We’ve all witnessed someone who seems to have mastered the ability to grab life by the horns and realize their most cherished desires. You may even experience a similar joy—at least occasionally, if not consistently. However, getting what you want is one thing; being conscious of how you’re doing it is another. So the question [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

jesse - A refreshing new video series…

I’d like to introduce you to Jeneth Blackert, known as “The Change Agent. Jeneth went from being $50k in debt in 2008 to running a $1.1 million-dollar business just three years later. This gal knows how to build a profitable … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

jesse - “Why You Should Not Wait for a Clear Vision Before You Move Forward” by Ali Brown

Whenever I’m speaking to entrepreneurs—whether they are around the country or around the world—I’m always asked to share my now famous “ATM Story”. It’s one I kept close to the vest for years, because I was too embarrassed to reveal … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

Allana - When your spouse won’t open up to you

Is there tension going on between you and your spouse? Like walking on egg shells, quick fuses, even stressful just to be around one another? And as soon as you start to talk about it, a fight begins almost immediately, layers of “how could you” or “you don’t understand me/hear me”… This is not a death sentence. And yet it can feel like one. It feels like if you open up, you’ll be annialated. So you attack before you’re attacked. And now your spouse has closed off, they aren’t really listening, they have disconnected and you can feel it, you’re furious yet also terrified. Relationships aren’t about right wrong, good bad or being fair. Be willing to go first. Apologize for whatever you did or said. Ask how can you make it up to them? Be ready to listen to a lengthy story and just listen, don’t defend, don’t justify, don’t fix, just get them. Just listen without agreeing or disagreeing, just listen with curiosity fascination and care. Don’t be superior or inferior… just aware… not tur...

admin - How to Turn More into Less: The Power of “Chunking”

A major source of stress in our lives comes from the feeling that we have an impossible number of things to do. We’ll often take an objective and pull it apart into a million pieces or tie it all together into one abstract whole. For example, if you take on a project and try to [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

Allana - The luscious loving Jungle of Costa Rica

Costa Rica was an invitation for non-stop feminine surrender and nourishment. It began with my driver Alejandro. HOT. Kind. Helpful. Had my back. Stopped to show me the rainforest; leaves the size of my body that were as hard as sandpaper. Put a flower in my hair. I passed out and he woke me for a delicious breakfast at a local restaurant and AMAZING Costa Rican coffee… and plantains! I love plantains! He dropped me off 5 hrs. later and I was in a queen like bliss having received his gifts and HE was the one who told me that I HAD changed his day, the course of his life, woke up the love of living again. OMG. Now how did that happen? We could call it luck and yet I believe it was my choice to be nourished, to let the moist warm jungle nurture me, adore me. I was receptive, I was grateful; I was radiant, open and ready for adventure, ready for relaxing… ready to BE ME! Later in the trip he took me on a day’s adventure beginning at a waterfall and asked me to close my eyes, then serve...

Allana - Intimate Conversations with Deonesea

This week on Intimate Conversations, Deonesea La Fey is joining me and I’m so excited to talk with her about her passion–Dancing!! Oh yes my friends, I’m not talking about the kind on the hip hop shows, I’m talking about sensual, passionate, releasing and Sacred dancing. This is going to be a deliciously juicy conversation and I can’t wait to see what Deonesea has in store to take me to the next level in my love of this beautiful art that always leaves me with a clear sense of knowing and serenity. Please sign up for this series at Intimate Conversations LIVE , and come dance with us on Thursday during this great call! The post Intimate Conversations with Deonesea appeared first on Allana Pratt . via Allana Pratt

admin - Succeed Now and in Any Economy: The 7 Forces of Business Mastery

While these are challenging times, they are also times of opportunity. In fact, the best companies have always excelled in the most difficult eras. More than half of the Fortune 500 were birthed in an “economic winter”—a recession or a depression. Companies like Disney, Apple, Exxon, Microsoft and FedEx were launched when the rest of the business world was licking its wounds. If you can learn, as they did, not only to become more efficient, but to also optimize sales in this environment, you’ll be able to dominate in any economy. Whether you’re an army of one or a multi-billion dollar corporation, there are principles and strategies that you must understand and master to take your business to the next level. The 7 Forces of Business Mastery are about creating a system that improves your business by empowering you with the skills and tactics you need to gain an invincible advantage—in any environment. 1. An Effective Business Map The only true competitive advantage in today’s changing m...

jesse - How to start landing corporate contracts…

Did you know 60% of the large companies in the U.S. have set goals to significantly increase the amount of money they are spending with women-and minority-owned businesses? This is a huge opportunity for YOU to land big contracts instead … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

admin - The Time of Your Life: More Time for What Really Matters to You

When it comes to managing time, most people focus on one question: What do I need to do? Focusing only on what it is you need to do, however, does not guarantee that you are making any real progress. To-do lists can keep you busy, and checking off a series of tasks can provide the [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

Allana - Being Me in Maui

Maui was wild. I went for Being You, the amazing Dr. Dain’s class. I am following the energy vs. my strategic mind in my choices and the energy for going to Maui to his course was deep from within my pelvis, upward up my spine and very richly expansive… I said YES! The course itself was beyond words outstanding. If you have even the slightest interest, GO. This man is one of the most precious gifts to the planet that I have ever met. I became aware of how much I haven’t trusted my knowing. How I am amazed at the generous non-judgmental being Dr. Dain is and how I can’t help but see the places where I judge my worth and I am invited to make a new choice. I made stunning connections with the people in the course, from deepening friendships with my healer friend Ella to my client and friend Jordon to new friends Tony & Sylvia local to LA to new friend Alicia in Maui and Debbie beyond. Amazing souls! They saw me laugh, cry, be vulnerable and open. To be so real with people is the mo...

jesse - “Plan for Profits with a Profit Calendar” by Ali Brown

I hear it from almost 90% of my clients… “Ali, I’m working 10-to-12-hour days to run my business. My husband and kids hardly see me, and I’m starting to burn out. What am I doing wrong?” When I dig a … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

admin - How to Create a Breakthrough: The Three Critical Elements

What is a Breakthrough? It’s a moment when everything changes—when what seemed impossible suddenly becomes possible, and you no longer settle for anything less than extraordinary. Breakthroughs are the reason people succeed and companies thrive, no matter what’s going on around them. There are literally thousands of triggers, but a lasting breakthrough requires a change [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

jesse - You’re going to like this news…

Wow, it seemed like my call last week truly hit a chord with many of you! Thank you for all your notes of gratitude for “The 5 Commitments: Proven Strategies for Women to Guarantee Your Financial Success This Year”: “That … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women

jesse - “Use Client Feedback to Nail Your Marketing Messages” by Ali Brown

There’s a universal marketing success principle that says you can’t create a desire in the marketplace. You can’t make people want something they simply don’t care for. That’s why one of the keys to your success is to realize that … (Click here to read more...) via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's Secret Millionaire", Small Business Coach and Consultant for Women