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Showing posts from August, 2013

lynda - “Why I Love Marissa Mayer’s Profile in Vogue” by Ali Brown

Just finished reading VOGUE’s profile on Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer. I think her saying “yes” to a glamorous photo shoot was *awesome*. The poor woman, who has just been WHO she is to get where she is, is being lambasted from every angle simply because she’s female. If she was a guy, no one would give a hoot about half of this stuff she’s being picked apart on… her maternity leave, her new company policies, and more. MOST important, her progress at Yahoo — turning around a company most were writing off last year — has been significant. THAT is what she was hired for. People seem to think when a woman DOES achieve, she owes it to every woman in America to be their perfect role model. And of course since all women have a different opinion on what that should be, she can’t “win” at that. But she’s smart — she’s just doing her thing and turning around a company (and wearing some killer clothes doing it :)). This article really portrays that. Can we all take a breath and just let women at th...

lynda - “How to Make Money with Other People’s Products and Programs” by Ali Brown

If you keep up with marketing blogs and online business in general, it’s likely you’ve heard the word affiliate thrown around a lot. And it’s no wonder… Programs of this type are everywhere these days. But many of you have asked me exactly what an affiliate is, and so I want to back up for a moment and clear up this concept once and for all. An affiliate is someone who earns commissions for promoting someone else’s products or services. For example, have you ever recommended a great book to a friend? You could sign up as an affiliate, and start earning money for making these recommendations. Or, if you’re a big fan of creating websites through and are raving about them to your colleagues at networking events, you could join GoDaddy’s affiliate program and start earning commission every time you send them new customers. This is how you become an affiliate marketer. Let’s take a look at WHY affiliate marketing is gaining popularity these days… #1: It’s profita...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - My Magnificent Montana Travels

Big Sky is right. Yet the mountains were hazy, a huge 450 ache fire was ablaze when I first arrived in Bozeman, MT yet within a few days it was gone. One of the cool things about Bozeman is it’s surrounded by mountains in every direction! So we basically went to one mtn range a day, hit 3 out of 4 on this trip, and a morning spent at a local river shooting video… such glory within minutes from where I was staying. Divine. I enjoyed a BUMPY ride… OK, did I really enjoy it? Well my bladder would say something different, yet the scenery was so breathtaking on the drive up to Fairy Lake… the wild flowers were incredible. The lake was SO GREEN you wouldn’t believe it! Wish I’d brought a dingy… pure heaven. Then, by now you know how much I adore paddle boarding… so we went to this Reservoir and we paddled down the river… so easy… yet the way back against the current AND wind… a little harder… I went RIGHT up to the beginning of the damn and chilled out floating down the lake… tanning on ...

lynda - “Elevate Member Spotlight: Melissa Lanz from Los Angeles, Calif.”

One of the best ways to get inspired is to learn from others’ successes. That’s why in my Elevate online training program , we spotlight one of our members during our member Access Calls. Elevate Coaches James Roche and Joy Chudacoff, and I select and interview one Elevate member who is making great strides with the program. Some successes are large, some small, but it’s all about taking steps forward and making progress. Today, you’ll meet Elevate Advanced member Melissa Lanz , founder of She was our spotlight during our July 2013 call. Enjoy our quick interview with Melissa below, and be sure to take notes. There are several golden nuggets you can apply to YOUR business right away! James : Hi Melissa, let’s talk about you and your business here. First, give us a little context here, and then specifically, some of those results that you’ve been getting, especially since being in the program? Melissa : I started my business in 2010, in April. I have an online subscrip...

lynda - My special coupon code expires tonight…

Thousands of you have downloaded my free “Best Income Streams” report, and claimed $50 off my new program, “57 Income Streams: For More Money, Now and Later”. (Kudos, It’s one of my juiciest programs ever!) If you haven’t had time to get the details, here’s your chance before the special offer ends TONIGHT… If you’re a freelancer or solo-professional , it’s likely that you’re offering ONE key service—all you have to do is attract more clients, right? Well, if that was the solution, you’d be rich by now, don’t you think? ;) The only path to true wealth is to start thinking creatively about your business. And that’s what I’ll help you with in my “57 Income Streams” program. I’ll walk you through a giant all-you-can-eat menu of 57+ moneymaking ideas to try on for yourself . From service-based to event-based streams, active info-publishing streams to passive info-publishing streams, “guest”-based streams to certification models—we’ll cover it ALL. Get the full scoop on this juicy progra...

morgana - First Prize Winning Video!

Last week I noticed that a company I like ( AudioAcrobat ) was having a video testimonial contest, and the deadline was just a couple hours away. So I brushed my hair, put on some makeup, put on some clothes (well, a top), and took my iphone into my guest bedroom where I have my "film studio" set up. I shot a 56 second testimonial with my phone's camera (the rules required under 1 minute) and sent it in just under the wire. I just heard that I WON the contest. FIRST PRIZE! And my video is playing on their home page! Take a look at my winning video: This is the BEST kind of exposure to my market. Ridiculously good exposure. I'm sharing this because there are 2 money magnetic marketing strategies here: 1) Shoot videos. Get really, really comfortable shooting videos. 2) Give testimonials. If you like a product or service provider, be GENEROUS with your testimonials. It's the best kind of marketing... for YOU! It WILL come back t...

lynda - “Criticism: Like It Or Not, Here’s How to Respond” by Ali Brown

How well do you bounce back from criticism? Do you let it roll off your back and keep moving, or does it stop you in your tracks as you obsess about what it could mean about you, your path, and every other decision you’ve made in your life? When you step up in your business and life, criticism happens no matter what you do. So the bottom line is you have to learn how to handle it. Below, a few tips on how to bounce back. Check Your Feelings at the Door According to Kare Anderson—a “gut instincts expert” from Sausalito, Calif. —in the first moments of a critical attack, we respond like animals: our heart beat races, skin temperature drops and we even lose peripheral vision. Our first instincts are to feel the criticism, and then either withdraw or retaliate. Neither of these responses is healthy. What is helpful is to shift your focus away from your feelings and towards the actual content of the critique. I love Anderson’s visual for this: Imagine that you are a part of a triangle, wi...

lynda - Meet my winners of my ‘Entrepreneur to Watch’ Contest!

Well, the votes are in! After a long deliberation with my team this morning, I’m ready to announce the winners of my “ Entrepreneur to Watch ” Facebook contest! This was one of the hardest contests I’ve ever judged, so if you submitted your vote to help me in my decision, Thank You ! Each finalist had such unique stories, so my team and I took those and other factors into consideration, including the number of votes to make a decision we felt comfortable with. Now, the moment you’ve been waiting for… The winners are: GOLD Prize and THE “Entrepreneur to Watch of 2013!” – Trish Blackwell of Uncaged Confidence LLC! Trish is a confidence coach, personal trainer, author, app publisher and podcast show host who specializes in accelerating her client’s lives to a whole new level through breakthrough strategies from “the inside out”, helping thousands around the world conquer life with confidence. Congratulations Trish! SILVER Winner of my “Entrepreneur to Watch” contest – Mia Rose of ...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Getting Over Dating Fatigue

1. SLOW DOWN NELLY: No offense, yet I highly doubt you’ll find the One in your 20′s. You may, yet the majority of you will settle in your 20′s… yet if you wait until your 30′s, will find a real keeper. (Note* out of fear I married in my 20′s. Tall dark and handsome millionaire. How does it get even better, right? Yet I didn’t ask if I really loved him. He loved me and I was insecure and that was enough. Divorce #1) 2. YOU’RE ACTUALLY ENOUGH: Society wants you to think you’re not enough unless you marry, that you’re defective broken and a loser if you’re in your 30′s and not married. They do this to control you, keep you in fear and sell you crap. You don’t require a man to be enough. You are enough and I implore you to choose a man that contributes extra juju to your life, not completes you. (plus women that know they are enough attract far higher quality of men, for their not needy, they are open to a great life getting even better) 3. IF YOU’RE TIRED, TAKE A NAP! Duty dating? Plea...

admin - The 6 Human Needs: Why We Do What We Do

Why do human beings do the things they do? How is it that one person will sacrifice his own life for another, while another will murder a stranger for sheer pleasure? What creates a Charles Manson or a Nelson Mandela? What is the force that drives and shapes all of our emotions, actions, qualities of [...] The post The 6 Human Needs: Why We Do What We Do appeared first on Tony Robbins Blog . via Tony Robbins Blog

lynda - “Elevate Member Spotlight: Jeannie Spiro from Portsmouth, R.I.”

One of the best ways to get inspired is to learn from others’ successes. That’s why in my Elevate online training program , we spotlight one of our members during our member Access Calls. Elevate Coaches James Roche and Joy Chudacoff, and I select and interview one Elevate member who is making great strides with the program. Some successes are large, some small, but it’s all about taking steps forward and making progress. Today, you’ll meet Elevate Advanced member Jeannie Spiro , founder of She was our spotlight during our June 2013 call. Enjoy our quick interview with Jeannie below, and be sure to take notes. There are several golden nuggets you can apply to YOUR business right away! James: Hey Jeannie. Give us a brief description about the context of your business and then share with us again some of the biggest results you’ve gotten most recently here. Jeannie: Essentially, I work with women who are in transition from employee to entrepreneur. I help them grow...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - How to enjoy your body and celebrate the way it gloriously is.

So I’ve been ‘on the road’ for a month and a half, out of my usual workout regime. Some weeks I’ll hike three times, other weeks I’ll sit on my cute ass in a cabin and write. I haven’t pole danced in over TWO MONTHS and I think I’ve put on about 3 pounds… not huge, but my jeans are tight. We each have our own relationship with our body, whether we’re an elite athlete or carrying 50+ pounds… and given I started my relationship with my body hating it, scrutinizing it, taking laxatives, poking, prodding and finding fault with EVERY glance in the mirror, unable to sit relaxed with friends for worry I would let go of sucking in my belly… NOW I am super grateful to make friends with my few extra pounds. I enjoy my body by wearing clothes that it feels sexy in… if the jeans are tight then it must mean the boobs are looking fab so I shift to a tight top and a flowing skirt. I talk to my body and this morning I honestly asked it if it’s at it’s ideal weight to feel vibrant alive and energize...

admin - Change Your Focus – Rethink Your To-Do List

If we want to achieve extraordinary results and fulfillment, we need more than just time management systems. We need a new system of thinking, a way to focus immediately on the results that are most important to us in our lives. Instead of focusing on what it is we need to do, we should first [...] The post Change Your Focus – Rethink Your To-Do List appeared first on Tony Robbins Blog . via Tony Robbins Blog

lynda - Meet my rock-star client, Heather Dominick…

If you’re a solopreneur or entrepreneur, I wanted to let you know about a special 3-hour livecast happening this Thursday… It’s called the EnergyRICH® Master Class , and it’s hosted by Heather Dominick , a rock star client of mine who I mentor in my top-tier Elevate Premier program. Heather’s online master class is designed for what she calls the “ Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur TM” (HSE)–someone who reflects more deeply on things than most people, is highly intuitive, creative and visionary, and more conscientious, cautious and wise. If you resonate with these qualities, I think you’ll get a lot out of her 3-hour training. During this online event, you’ll discover: • How to manage your environment , priorities, time and your relationship with money. • How to master the marketing of your coaching or service-based business. • How to monetize your mission and successfully sell your services Mark your calendars for Thursday, Aug 8 at 1pm ET —and get ready to take in live training. You’...

lynda - If you use Gmail, read this…

Gmail has recently changed the way it filters emails in your inbox, and this new change might make it easy to miss the business-building updates and resources I send you every week, like Spotlight . I’ve heard from a few of you that you’d like a little help on how to fix this, so I’ve put together simple instructions to follow below. (Remember, you only need to take action if you use Gmail to receive your email.) Please follow the simple instructions below to take care of this issue right away: STEP 1 : Login to your Gmail account . You’ll see that your inbox now has 3 tabs above it, “Primary”, “Social”, “Promotions”. STEP 2 : Click on the “Promotions” tab. STEP 3 : In the “Promotions” inbox, find any email from “Ali Brown” . You can also do a search, and that should pull up emails from me. STEP 4 : Select ONE of the “Ali Brown” emails and drag it into your “Primary” inbox. (You only need to do this once.) STEP 5 : You’ll see a Gmail notification that says, “This conversation ha...

admin - Stop Your Limiting Beliefs: 10 Empowering Beliefs That Will Change Your Life

The Power Of Beliefs: How Our Meanings Decide Our Destiny What is a belief? It’s a feeling of certainty about what something means. The challenge is that most of our beliefs are generalizations about our past, based on our interpretations of painful and pleasurable experiences. The challenge is, most of us do not consciously decide [...] The post Stop Your Limiting Beliefs: 10 Empowering Beliefs That Will Change Your Life appeared first on Tony Robbins Blog . via Tony Robbins Blog