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Showing posts from 2015

Lou Jeannot - Start Manifesting Miracles with Debra Poneman|Ep. 1

We inaugurate the 1st episode of Morgana Radio (interviewing the world’s most fascinating thought leaders on Money, Love, and Magic) with my good friend Debra Poneman . Listen now! Debra began transforming lives in the 1970’s. By the 1980’s was the guru to the gurus: her students went on to become mega-successful entrepreneurs, NY Times bestselling authors, millionaires, billionaires – and many are household names you know very well . In 1988, at the height of her success, on the verge of launching a her own national TV show, Debra walked away from her career and disappeared from the public eye for over 20 years when she chose to follow a different passion – being a full-time mom. She has returned as a best selling author, world renowned speaker and mentor, and she’ll be revealing: 3 simple shifts you can make to have everything you desire how to really put the law of manifesting to work for you her near-death experience and the tool for manifestation of miracles that was r...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - I’m not Comfy with Toys in the Bedroom

She’s wanting to get a little more playful in bed, but you just feel weird about it. It’s not that you don’t love her or want to satisfy her. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite! But why can’t you shake this being uncomfortable with toys? Whether it’s because you don’t feel it’s as sacred, it’s silly or dirty, or maybe even making you feel like you’re less adequate, you need to stand back and look at the deeper meaning. She loves YOU and because of that she wants to embody her true self. Let her guide you into love making you’ve only dreamt of! To see my full response, check out the full article on The Good Men Project, right  HERE . As their newest columnist, you can continue to find amazing articles likes this and more so continue to check out my column Awaken Your Badass Nobility. You can many of my Q&A videos on YouTube, so please be sure to subscribe to  my channel ! Also, If you have a burning question about love, dating or life in general for me, comment be...

Morgana - Download Your Brilliant Bio Template – Your Holiday GIFT

The end of the year is a perfect time to update, elevate and celebrate how awesome you really are. Here are a few “better bio for better client attraction tips” to inspire you to refresh your story in time to welcome all the best clients you desire this holiday and forever. They come direct from Business Bio Expert (and one of my closest friends) Nancy Juetten . 1) Does your bio suffer from a bad case of alphabet soup? This is when you have so many initials beside your name that the average reader has ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what any of them mean. When it doubt, spell them out. And leave the more obscure credentials out as well. Focus instead on the big result your clients welcome with your expertise, and you’ll get out of the gate to attract clients even faster. 2) Are you BURYING THE LEAD in your bio? That is when you save the best for last instead of leading with the good stuff first. Lead with the WIN for your ideal client and ditch the rest.  Less can be truly more. 3) Is y...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - The Spark Is Dying

At the beginning, you couldn’t keep your hands off each other.  Every moment was bliss, every conversation was greeted by a sunrise, you had so much in common, so much to share.  Suddenly, you feel a gap growing between you, your energy is still high but you notice hers starting to wean.  Is she losing interest? First, if you think she is losing interest in you, you will begin to convince yourself it is because “of” you, and you will stop being you!  You will start to be anything and everything you believe she wants you to be and by doing so, will push her away. Say this with me “It is ok if it doesn’t work out.”  Breathe.  Now repeat. To see my full response, check out the full article on The Good Men Project, right  HERE . As their newest columnist, you can continue to find amazing articles likes this and more so continue to check out my column Awaken Your Badass Nobility. You can many of my Q&A videos on YouTube, so please be sure to subscri...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Surviving The Walk Of Shame

  Question: I am in my third year of college and just did my first “walk of shame”.  It was humiliating.  I could feel the eyes on me and the judgment.  There has to be a better way – this can’t be my college experience. Answer: LOVE THIS QUESTION!!! JUST talked to a client about this last week. First, we are always at choice at how we see any situation. I say choose the way the empowers you! Thus we destroyed the whole idea of a Walk of Shame. Instead we call it the Walk of Swagger for guys… the Walk of Sass for women… all based Gratitude for having consensual SEX! According to the Kinsey Institute, about 75% of single females and 50% of single guys haven’t had sex for a year! SEX IS FABULOUS!!! Touch is healing. There is no reason to be ashamed about a glorious experience of pleasure! Just because you don’t want to marry the person doesn’t mean you need to sneak away thinking either of you did something wrong. How demeaning to the passion and delicious...

Morgana - Resolutions Suck. Do this instead.

Brrrr! It’s frosty cold, even here in Southern California. (Under 70 degrees!) It even rained today (yay!). Maybe because it’s the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. Maybe because the new year (and my birthday) are coming up really soon… I took a break from business and holiday present shopping to just DREAM the future. The one thing I can promise you my future does NOT hold is New Year Resolutions! You may have noticed by now that resolutions almost never stick. Frankly, I think New Year Resolutions are BS. They’re typically born from a place of failure, hurt, and self-abuse. And they set you up for more of the same. I like to stack the deck for absolute success. The first step is to failure-proof your intention for the new year. Instead of resolutions I set a THEME for the year. Setting a theme is like choosing a flavor for the year. A context. What the year will be about. It’s not a fixing thing. It’s a growing thing. My theme often grows out of what I want to lear...

26 Motivational Quotes That Will Inspire Success in 2016 - Brian Tracy

The way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens to you. When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking! You can decide what you are going to think in any given situation. Your thoughts and feelings determine your actions and determine the results you get. It all starts with your thoughts. Motivational Quotes For a Better 2016 I’ve compiled a list of some of the best motivational quotes for the new year so you can start the year by taking control of your thoughts, thinking positively and setting new goals! 1) “The way get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” -Walt Disney 2) “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” -Winston Churchill 3) “Don’t let yesterday take up t...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Being Pressured To Meet The Folks

Four months into the relationship and she already wants to meet your parents!  It isn’t even a casual request – she is relentless!  Is it too soon?  How do you know if it is the right time (or if she is the right person) to introduce to your parents? Only you will know when it is right, when it feels right, when the universe aligns and reveals your deepest truth.  Let go of the fear of rejection, remove the concern of offending someone, look inward and ask yourself if it feels right to you.  If it does not, you are not ready.  Redirect your efforts to getting to know her better and ask yourself what would it take for you to be ready? To see my full response, check out the full article on The Good Men Project, right  HERE . As their newest columnist, you can continue to find amazing articles likes this and more so continue to check out my column Awaken Your Badass Nobility. You can many of my Q&A videos on YouTube, so please be sure to subscribe...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - What is Marital Depression?

What is Marital Depression? As an Intimacy Expert and Relationship Coach for the almost two decades, Marital Depression strikes when you think getting married will solve long standing unhealed emotional issues. External circumstances have changed, but internal wounds are still there. Boiling unexpressed anger feels like depression. What’s the truth you’re not sharing? How can it be avoided? Never think a man, a woman, a job, a bank account or a smaller butt is going to make you have lasting joy, peace and power. Only a solid relationship of honor, trust and gratitude for exactly who you are (and who you aren’t) will make you feel unstoppable and happy for no reason. What are your tips for keeping the spark alive? Spark comes from seeing your partner fresh, with appreciation and openness to how things could get better and better? Be generous, be kind, be kinky, be YOU! Think, “What can I do to contribute to my joy and my partner’s joy today?” Remember, you’re not together to cont...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Look at Her Soar!

Many times when working with women, they not only experience breakthroughs with men, but also with their careers. Their self worth is solid and blocks to receiving are gone. They can speak up for themselves with men and also charge their worth. Rhiannon is such a Goddess.  First, she shares of what it was like to work with me, then let me introduce her magnificent channeling abilities to you. She gifted me with a session which was remarkable, confirming, soothing and expansive. And her lovely voice and sexy accent doesn’t hurt either!!!     Love, Allana xoxoox “I recommend Allana’s sessions with all my heart.   If you’re ready to shift in a big way, to create space for love, more space for the real YOU in your life, space for your wildest dreams to come true.   If you’re ready for the “No more compromises in my life/I am going to celebrate life in any and every imaginable way” shift.   If you’re ready to be truly seen, felt, met, h...

Morgana - Welcome to Morgana Radio!

We go live on January 1, 2016 The mission of Morgana Radio is to interview the world’s most fascinating thought leaders on Money, Love, and Magic. Join us every Friday (beginning 10am pacific time on January 1, 2016) for a new show. You can listen in here at on your Money Honey App (download at ) on itunes (coming soon)   via Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching, Inc.

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Do’s and Don’ts of Dating & Moving In

Do’s and Don’ts of Dating & Moving In To cherish and be cherished with your first date and when you make the move to move in, keep these few points in mind. First Date: Never have sex: With sex, I say leave them wanting more. I say if the person is HOT, and you could really learn to adore them, make the first date about the KISS yet don’t sleep with them. See if they come back for seconds. First Date: Never assume: If you go into a date with expectations, you’re not even present to the moment. Even once you meet them and &%#^ they’re shorter than they said they were, breathe. Stay in the moment. Don’t check out just because it’s not what you expected. Sometimes God has a sense of humor. Stay open. First Date: Never be ungrateful: YOU HAD A DATE! There are people home alone tonight! You may not have heard trumpets playing when they arrived, yet be grateful you’re on a date! Enjoy being alive, out there, engaged with someone. Enjoy the adventure, the mystery, the compa...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Fall Into Love Series: Sexual Intimacy – How to Deepen your Relationships

Fall Into Love Series: Sexual Intimacy – How to Deepen your Relationships My amazing friends Ben and Jennifer are gearing up for their last series of 2015 and yours truly is a part of it. December 13: Sexual Intimacy – How to Deepen Your Relationships is designed for you to easily learn essential practices and techniques from leading experts that you can use to deepen your intimacy and connection in your life and in your bedroom. What I will be teaching: Vulnerability is the New Sexy with Intimacy Coach Allana Pratt * The #1 key to heighten your alluring sexy nature… it’s not what you think * How vulnerability will deepen your joy and connection in the bedroom… tonight! * Experience a potent, pleasurable and painless exercise that will make you feel sacredly seductive right away… Whether you’re looking for the one or already in a relationship, you’ll learn practical information and daily practices that will support you in experiencing the most connected intimacy possible. B...

Morgana - The Tyranny of Positive Thinking

I was coaching a client yesterday. She is going a major life transition, and she was judging herself for her naturally occurring feelings of grief and unhappiness. Somewhere along the way, in all her years of personal development, she picked up the message (like most of us do), that she was supposed to be happy all the time. No matter what. There was something wrong with her for being human… Haven’t we all felt this way? I call this the Tyranny of Positive Thinking. Is positive thinking the answer? Not always. Not all valid perspectives are happy perspectives. Healing takes time. And if we want to help our friends and clients, we MUST respect the life cycle of grief. I hear helpful suggestions from my coaching peers, and I also hear an undercurrent of judgment against negative emotions and those who have them. I suspect many people stay stuck because their grief was never validated. I think I’ve mentioned here before that I was hit by a car and landed in a coma when I was 1...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Long Distance Relationship and Still Have a Happy Relationship?

So, I recently had the great honor of being asked to do a video blog for Digital Romance TV.  Mike and Nora host regular podcasts that are so great at giving you solutions to the entire range of relationship problems that people have been experiencing. So their question to me was… How do you feel about long distance relationships? I don’t mean across the country, I mean internationally. Are they worth it in the end? My short answer… Sometimes they work beautifully. Sometimes they are a survival mechanism to stay in fantasy and not risk rejection. My video asks some potent questions to help you decide what’s going on for you! For my completely vulnerable answer, check out the video blog by watching here !   The post Long Distance Relationship and Still Have a Happy Relationship? appeared first on Allana Pratt . via Allana Pratt

Morgana - The Myth about Women and Aging

Growing up in the United States, and–even worse–growing up in Los Angeles, in the shadow of Hollywood, I learned a great many stereotypes about women and aging–our desireability, our loveability, our happiness.  I’m happy to discover that those stereotypes were complete BS. About aging as a woman… it’s nothing like I was led to expect. I’m actually about a sneeze away from turning 49. I’m losing hearing in my right ear. My distance and reading vision are a mess. I’m way beyond fatter than I’ve ever been in my life. And I feel an emotional confidence and happiness and freedom beyond anything I experienced when I was younger. I see the same thing with my female friends and clients: life gets better as we get older. Dating was better in my 40s than it ever was in my teens, 20’s or 30’s. I make far better relationship and business choices now. I’m more comfortable with my imperfection. As young women we’re all about pleasing–parents, teachers, lovers, everybody. As we get old...

What are You Thankful For? How to Show Appreciation Over the Holidays - Brian Tracy

It’s the perfect time of year to say thanks… Even in the midst of the greatest difficulties you will experience in life, you can find things for which you are truly grateful. In fact, if you take a piece of paper and begin to write down the parts of your life you are grateful for… You may be amazed at how many items appear on your list. With the holiday season upon us, it’s a great time to show appreciation to coworkers, employees, and loved ones. By developing an attitude of gratitude, you will become warmer, friendlier, and increase your own self-esteem. An attitude of gratitude causes you to be more sensitive and aware of people around you. The more gratitude you have, the more gratitude you express, the better and more positive your personality is, the higher your self-esteem becomes, the more popular and liked you are by all the people around you. Different Ways to Show Gratitude Over the holidays, develop the habit practicing the four A’s: Apprec...