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Lou Jeannot - Beyond Business Success to Total Personal Freedom with Brian Ridgway | Morgana Radio

Brian Ridgway Morgana RadioBrian’s friends and clients call him “The Spellbreaker”. After overcoming an abusive childhood, severe low self-esteem, addiction and homelessness, he has stepped fully into Living his Dream in Hawaii and helping thousands of people around the world to step into their own dream.

Brian helps people to dissolve the “illusion of problems” and step fully into their higher selves to create
the body, health, business, wealth, relationships, life and world of their dreams.

In this talk, learn:
* What is the Theory of Constraints and how does it solve every problem?
* How can you step into freedom in a moment of pain/sadness/fear?
* Why meditation is probably a total waste of time for you

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Beyond Business Success to Total Personal Freedom with Brian Ridgway



via Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching, Inc.
