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Brian Tracy’s Best Success Blogs of 2016 - Brian Tracy


Imagine that you could wave a magic wand and be absolutely excellent at any particular skill. What would it be? If you could wave a magic wand and have any wish at all with regard to your talents and skills, what would you wish for?

Whatever your answer to these questions will often be an indication of the new goals that you have to set with regard to the skills and abilities that you need to develop to be the best at what you do. Become a lifelong “do-it-to-yourself” project. Be prepared to become absolutely the best at what you want to do.

Keeping this in mind, I’ve compiled a list of my 10 best blogs from 2016. Use them for inspiration to think positively, plan your goals, and achieve greatness in 2017.

10 Best Brian Tracy Blogs of 2016

1) 7 Steps To Developing A New Habit


According to the experts, it takes about 21 days to break or form a habit pattern of medium complexity.

By this, we mean simple habits such as getting up earlier at a specific hour, exercising each morning before you start out, listening to podcasts in your car, going to bed at a certain hour, being punctual for appointments, planning every day in advance, starting with your most important tasks each day, or completing your tasks before you start something else.

These are habits of medium complexity that can be quite easily developed in 14-21 days through practice and repetition.

Over the years, a simple, powerful, proven methodology has been determined for new habit development. It is very much like a recipe for preparing a dish in the kitchen. You can use it to develop any habit that you desire. Over time, you will find it easier and easier to develop the habits that you want to incorporate into your personality.

Learn how to develop a new habit here

2) How To Use The 80/20 Rule For Goal Setting


The 80/20 rule is one of the most helpful concepts for life and time management.

According to this principle: 20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of your results. It can change the way you set goals forever.

The 80/20 rule is also called the “Pareto Principle” named after it’s founder, the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto from 1895. He noticed that people in society seemed to divide naturally into what he called the “vital few,” or the top 20 percent in terms of money and influence, and the “trivial many,” or the bottom 80 percent.

Later, he discovered that virtually all economic activity was subject to this principle, in that 80 percent of the wealth of Italy during that time was controlled by 20 percent of the population.

We can take Pareto’s 80/20 rule and apply it to almost any situation. In particular, we can apply it to goal setting and productivity.

Learn how to use the 80/20 Rule in your life!

3) 30 Motivational Sales Quotes To Inspire Success


Salespeople have one of the hardest jobs in the world to do. They deal with rejection on a daily basis. Making a sale comes down to powering through call after call, email after email, and ‘no’ after ‘no’.

But, the greatest salespeople, thinkers, and leaders have also dealt with rejection, fear and hard times. They stepped out of their comfort zones and took a chance, succeeding in the face of failure.

Take a moment to read through some of the greatest motivational sales quotes ever spoken. Keep them in mind on your next call for a little extra drive.

See these motivational sales quotes here.

4) 5 Great Steps To Building Self-Confidence & Becoming Popular


How would you like to become more popular and welcomed by people in your social or business circles?

Well, you can be, by learning how to be more charming in every interaction with others.

The deepest human need is the desire to feel important. When you go through life building self-confidence and making other people feel important and valuable, they will like you, welcome you, and open every door for you. This is how to become popular both professionally and personally.

How do you become a genuinely charming person? Here are five behaviors you can practice with every person to make him or her feel more important:

Learn how to become more charming and popular here.

5) 13 Things I’ve Learned During My Public Speaking Career


Do you have a passion for public speaking? Do you want to get your message out to people and companies but aren’t sure where to start?

I’ve had a wonderful speaking career that has spanned for over 30 years. I’m going to tell you about how I became a public speaker, and give you some tips I’ve learned along the way to help you do the same.

An enormous number of professional speakers start off the same way:

They start off speaking in their organization or in their company or sometimes will be asked to talk on their subject to a small group of people within their industry. They put together some notes and share what they know.

When people respond positively, the speaker will suddenly realize that they really enjoyed it too.  And that is one of the main reasons people want to get into speaking.

Keep reading and let me give you some tips I learned on the road to becoming a motivational speaker.

6) 7 Cold Calling Tips To Improve Your Closing Rate

cold calling tips

Cold calling potential prospects can be frustrating and hard. Whether you are doing it in person or on the phone, it is your job to warm up a potential customer.

This process can be exceedingly difficult, especially if you’re not used to it. I’ve called many prospects and I’m going to show you how to make this process much easier.

Here are 7 cold call tips to help improve your closing rate.

7) 3 Rules To Raise Self-Confident Children


Raising happy, healthy, and self-confident children is a much more difficult job than it seems.

I’ve studied this topic for many years and have even developed many programs and speeches on this very topic. I found out before I had my first child, and I have 4 children and 5 grandchildren, that there are certain ways that parents respond to and interact with their children that help ensure their success in life.

Learn how to raise extremely confident children here.

8) How To Live In The Moment & Appreciate What You Have With These Tips


There is a saying, “Stop and smell the roses.” It doesn’t mean to simply smell flowers, it means to live in the moment with a great appreciation for the present and the things around you.

So let me ask you…

Do you ever stop to smell the roses?

It’s very easy to get completely caught up in planning for the future, that we often forget to take the time to appreciate the wonderful things happening in our daily lives.

I’d like to offer 3 things you can do today to live in the present and start appreciating the moment.

9) 6 Things Sales Professionals Should Never Do

bad sales techniques

Have you ever wondered what sets the best salespeople apart while others struggle to make it?

It is just as important knowing the most important things salespeople should do to be successful as well as what they shouldn’t do. Sometimes salespeople develop habits that prevent them from being successful.

I’m going to share with you 6 things sales professionals should never do when trying to make a sale.

If you can avoid these sales mistakes, you will be on your way to becoming a leader in your field and enjoying the wealth that comes with it.

Have you made any of these mistakes in sales?

10) 8 Task Management Tips To Stop Procrastinating And Get More Done

good habits successful people goal oriented

Tons of time management strategies have been developed over the years by hundreds of people to help you get more done in less time. Here are 6 of my favorite task management tips to help you stop procrastinating in your work and personal life.

Think about which one of these ideas could be most helpful to you right now, in your current situation.

Learn these Task Management tips here.

Achieve Your Goals in 2017

The more you practice what you are learning, the faster you will become competent and skilled in that area. The more you practice, the more confidence you will develop. The more you practice, the more rapidly you will overcome your feelings of inadequacy in that skill and the faster you will master it. You can master any skill in 2017 if you set your mind to it and practice. Click the button below to download my free 14-Step Goal-Setting Guide.


Brian Tracy’s Best Success Blogs of 2016 is a post from: Brian Tracy's Blog

via Brian Tracy's Blog


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