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bosanchez - 10 Habits To A Healthy Body

Your future will be defined by your habits.

I’m ready to die anytime—right this minute if necessary. (I hope my wife isn’t reading this, because she hates it when I start talking this way.) My soul is prepared to go home to God at any moment.

But I also want to prepare for a long and healthy life—and that’s so possible. Studies show that the life span of human beings is getting longer. Babies born today have an average life span of 101 years old.

But hey, I don’t want to be lying down in bed when I hit 90! That’s the last thing I want to do. I want to be 90 and still be preaching around the world! And still be making love to my spouse. (Okay, I want my wife to read that one.)

Here are my 10 Habits To A Healthy Body:

1. Move!

I already mentioned that each morning, I do simple stretching and breathing Tai Chi movements—and pray to Jesus too—for 30 minutes. I also cycle for an hour on my stationary bike, all the while reading 5 chapters of the Bible and other spiritual books, or writing my journal in my laptop. I also do a few pushups, sit-ups, and chin-ups. I’ll never win Mr. Universe, but it’s enough to tone my muscles. I learned that when we hit 50, we start losing 1.5% of our muscle strength every year. This is the reason why you see a lot of 60-year-old people who are very weak today—because they didn’t move their body. So walk. Swim. Play badminton. Move!

2. Eat The Best Kinds Of Food

More than fourteen years ago, I stopped eating beef, pork, and chicken. Seven years ago, I also gave up crabs and shrimps. So my diet consists of fish and vegetables. At home, we eat organic brown rice and wheat bread. We also fry with soya oil or soybean oil. (Olive oil is too expensive.)

The Old Testament called certain foods unclean—like pork, crustaceans, shells, fish without scales—and modern science has found out that many of these foods have higher toxicity. Pork has more toxins than other meats. Crustaceans and shells are the scavengers of the sea. And because fish release their toxins through their scales, fish without scales have slightly more toxins. I’m not saying you shouldn’t eat these delicious food, but perhaps minimize them in your diet.

3. Juice Your Vegetables

Every morning, I drink fresh vegetable juice. I throw into my Juicer four large carrots, one long celery stick, and one apple. The advantage of juicing? By juicing, I’m able to consume 4 large carrots in two minutes flat—something that would take me one hour if I munched them. As I drink my juice every morning, I picture God nourishing me in every part of my body. It works!

4. Supplement

I’m a firm believer in taking supplements. I take a mega dose of vitamin C, fish oil (Omega 3), and other multi-vitamins. I also take a list of supplements too long to mention here. Before I drink them, I bless them.  So they contain a double punch!

5. Sleep Like a Babe

I usually dose off at 11:30 pm and wake up at 6:00 am. Six and a half hours is enough for me. If I feel a need to take a quick afternoon nap, I do it. I try to listen to my body. Praying before you sleep is fantastic because you’re able to surrender all your worries to God. So before I sleep, I do 20 minutes of my simple Tai Chi exercises again—as I surrender to Jesus all my stress. When I do this, I sleep like a babe.

6. Drink Enough

The first thing I do when I wake up is drink a glass of room temperature water. As I drink it, I ask the Holy Spirit to cleanse me. After my exercise, I drink my carrot juice. Here’s what I found out: For many of us, what we think are hunger pangs may just be our thirst. So when you feel hungry, drink water first. And eat water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables.

7. Work With Passion

Get into something your love to do. When you enjoy your work, it isn’t work. It’s play. And that keeps your body humming. If you can see your job as a sacred mission from God, you wake up in the morning with joy and excitement. Your body gets the message: “I need you to be healthy, because I’m here to bless the world.” (I have a TrulyRichClub where I coach people in their finances and work. To join, log on at now.)

8. Feel Your Feelings

Our bodies are simply the blueprints of our emotions. When we get sick in our bodies, many times, it’s simply manifesting our stress, our fears, our anxiety, and our unresolved angers. I strongly urge you to become aware of your emotions and bring them constantly to the Lord. Before Him, work through them. Feel them, yes. Respect your emotions, yes. But lay them at His feet and follow God only.

9. Be Happy

Be a positive person. If you’re a child of God, how can you not think positive? If you believe that “all things work for good to those who love God”, how can you not rejoice even in your problems? Happy people are generally healthier than unhappy people.

10. Love Well

What keeps me healthy? I play with my kids on the floor everyday. (I call it “floor time”.) Each week, I date my wife and hold hands often. And I have fantastic friends!

Once upon a time, an Elderly home had a very high death rate: One resident died each month. But one day, a volunteer came and started social activities among the old people. As the old people engaged with each other in conversation, the mortality rate plunged dramatically almost overnight. Just being in relationships will make you healthier. Imagine how healthy you will be if those relationships are deep and loving?

Be healthy, my friend. God needs you to bless the world.

May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez

Imagine yourself at age 50. Would you still be able to play with your grandchildren? Would you be able to pick them up or play tag with them? Would you still be able to go on vacations with your family? Would you still be able to do the things you love to do? Or would you be taking in lots of maintenance medicine, always looking at your BP monitoring device, or skipping out on a lot of activities because your body fails you?

It’s time for you to heal, my friend. Take care of yourself, so you can take care of your loved ones more.



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