New Money Honey Moment: How to NOT have a co-dependent relationship with money… And for the readers, here’s the Transcript! Morgana Rae: Hello, this is Morgana Rae with a new Money Honey Moment. I am here in our newly converted lounge with my cat prop, Wasabi – my husband’s cat. I’m answering a question that came in to me privately that I thought was such a great question and so useful that I would share my response publicly. Hi. Hi to people joining. So, I received an e-mail from a woman who had done the work to uncover her root causes of her monstrous relationship with money. When I say money, I mean life, because, money symbolizes everything that we want to have, do, or be. Or, can’t have, do, or be. It symbolizes, it represents our deeper issues. Everything around worth and love and safety in this existence, this human existence that we have. But, we call it “money” because that’s useful and because it works really, really well on dollars, cents, marks...