Today I have the great pleasure of being the host here in Long Beach, CA, USA on Day 7 of the Virtual Blog Tour of author Carolyn A. Brent, whose book, “Transforming Your Life through Self-Care: A Guide to Tapping into Your Deep Beauty and Inner Worth” is celebrating its big Worldwide book launch on May 8, 2019.
CAROLYN A. BRENT is an award-winning bestselling author and a National Physique Committee (NPC) Masters Women’s Figure Champion at age 60. She is an expert on both self-care and caregiving; she is the founder of Across All Ages and two nonprofit organizations, CareGiverStory Inc. and Grandpa’s Dream. Carolyn’s written works is in the Library of Congress the libraries of Harvard, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and numerous other medical centers and universities.
Yesterday, Carolyn visited Andrea Hylen in Santa Monica, CA, USA where she interviewed Carolyn on the subject of Meditation, Self-care and Daily life
Today, I’d like to share with you a recent interview I had with Carolyn when I got to ask her questions on the subject of Health and Wealth. I hope you enjoy it!
Hidden Connection
Morgana Rae: What is the hidden connection between health and money for women, specifically?
Carolyn A. Brent: One area in which money and health are very closely connected is the issue of obesity. A 2011 George Washington University study concluded the average annual cost of being obese was $4,879 for women and $2,646 for men, based on indirect costs such as diminished productivity and direct costs such as medical care. An obese woman could have almost $600,000 in savings and an obese man more than $320,000 if the added costs were invested at five percent annual return over a forty-year career.
So, as you see, how you relate to health and money are connected. If you don’t have your health, what good is your money—except to pay for the high cost of healthcare? If you have good health, you can take care of yourself and create a life of gratefulness, happiness, and joy. Remember, the secret to enjoying your life is to stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Learn more in Chapter 13 The Real Connection Between Health and Money
Hazardous Partners
Morgana Rae: How can partners, family, and friends be hazardous to your health?
Carolyn A. Brent: Answer: It’s easy to get tangled in a relationship (s) that can be hazardous to your health, finances and well-being—especially when there is love involved. In my case, my husband and I had some issues that I thought we could resolve. I tried to do everything I could possibly do to help save our relationship, i.e., marriage consulting, reading books, and practicing self-reflection. I did the works–I wanted to save our marriage.
But the fact was my partner was in a relationship with another woman. Yes, he was a cheater. Once I accepted the truth of his lack of fidelity—I had to make a decision to take care of my mental, financial, and spiritual well-being. But, the fact of the matter is that it takes “two” people with fierce determination and bottomless discipline, love, and commitment for any relationship to work long term.
We all have had some type of “Heartbreaks” in our life. Maybe it was a spouse or partner. Maybe it was a parent or child. Maybe it was a boss. Maybe it was a good family friend. Few of us escape being hurt by people we love or think we love.
We often believe that the first thing we need to do is get rid of those people who are hazardous to our health. That is the right thing to do—but it can also be challenging, especially if the person is a child or family member.
However, unless you start transforming yourself through self-care and tapping into your deep beauty and inner worth, you will probably repeat the same scenario in your next relationship. You will choose different people who are hazardous to your health. Get the details in Chapter 2. Why Partners Family and Friends Can Be Hazardous to Your Health.
#1 Thing
Morgana Rae: What is the #1 thing we can do to reclaim our health and wealth?
Carolyn A. Brent: Take action, action, and more action! I firmly believe we’ve got to stop dreaming about having good health and wealth. Instead, we all must be our own self-care advocates.
The #1 thing to do is to “practice” the act of self-care in every area of your life on a daily basis. Which includes your emotional, spiritual, and financial well-being. Keep in mind; self-care is a step-by-step process with no end date.
Best practice…team-up with trusted healthcare professionals, financial planners, and learn all you can by reading, writing, reciting, and reviewing your action plans. And, adjust as needed.
I hope you enjoyed this interview with Carolyn A. Brent and that you’ll check out her book on May 8, 2019:
Join us on the 2019 International DEEP BEAUTY Telesummit: May 6th, 7th & 8th
Details here:
Transforming Your Life through Self-Care:
A Guide to Tapping into Your Deep Beauty and Inner Worth”
SPECIAL OFFER direct from Roman & Littlefield
30% DISCOUNT OFFER OFF LIST PRICE PLEASE ORDER USING THIS CODE: RLFANDF30 978-1-5381-2084-2 • Hardback $28.00 list price (discount price $19.60) 978-1-5381-2085-9 • eBook $26.50 list price (discount price $18.55) For more information, please contact our Customer Service Dept. at or by phone at 800-462-6420 ext. 3023.
Buy Direct from Publisher at their discount special.
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Catch Carolyn’s Book Trailer… click here!
Thanks for reading! Please share your comments and thoughts below. I love reading your feedback.
AND… be sure to follow Carolyn tomorrow when the next stop is in Rochester, New York, USA with Kathy Palokoff, who will be interviewing Carolyn on the subject of Sabotaging discipline, Skill & Mindset and Long-term discipline. To visit Kathy, go to
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