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Showing posts from January, 2018

- Liz Dennery Sanders, Branding Expert + Founder of SheBrand — Glambition Radio Episode 133 with Ali Brown

Real expert. Real deal. Real cool. So rare to find these days. After years of running a Hollywood PR agency that got designer brands into celebrity hands, today Liz Dennery Sanders builds her clients strong, compelling brands that resonate. And she’s sharing her story and tips on this week’s Glambition Radio. Liz was one of […] via Blog – Ali Brown

Morgana - [VIDEO] Money Honey Moment: “How to feel like you deserve a high fee”

A client in one of my programs asked, “What do I need to do to feel I like I deserve a high fee?” I recorded my response in this video: Transcript of Video: Morgan Rae: Hello, this is Morgana Rae here with you for a Money Honey moment. And I received a question from a client in one of my programs that I thought was so good that I really wanted to answer it for as wide an audience as possible, because this is the kind of question that my kind of people struggle with. And so, the question is, what do I need to do to feel like I deserve to charge high fees?   I love that question, because the only kind of person who asks that kind of question is somebody who cares about integrity, cares about others. Sociopaths don’t have to worry about that, because they’re only in it for themselves, and there’s no worry about being worthy or deserving or giving value. So, yea you, all of you who care about deserving.   You know, it’s funny because I have this international rep...

Morgana - Lori Ann Lothian: “Spillover Magic” at Morgana’s Goddess Retreat

Lori Ann Lothian shares her experiences with Spillover Magic, Vortexes, and Sisterhood at Morgana Rae’s Money Goddess retreat in Bali. The post Lori Ann Lothian: “Spillover Magic” at Morgana’s Goddess Retreat appeared first on Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching, Inc. . via Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching, Inc.

7 Tips to Stay Motivated When Writing a Book - Brian Tracy

I’ve written over 70 books over my 40-year career, and I can tell you that as much as we would like them to, books don’t write themselves. Motivation is the measurement of the energy that is put into any endeavor. When you write a book you are bound to struggle with periods where you lack the motivation to write or experience writer’s block. To combat this, you need an arsenal of tools and techniques that you can use to help you overcome motivational issues like getting started writing, finding your message, or getting rid of writer’s block. Writing is a job and every job needs the “write” tool. Here are a few techniques I’ve used to overcome writer’s block from time to time and really get motivated to write. I’ve used these same techniques to write 4-5 books a year. FREE TRAINING: 5 Steps to Planning and Publishing a Best-Selling Book 1. Write Every Day One of the tricks that artists use and that works well for writers too is to write often. Even when you don’t want to type a ...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Tired of Being Misunderstood?

Do you find that you are misunderstood? Is it common that negative opinions are formed based off those misunderstandings? Here are a few behaviors that may be misconstrued and how to remedy them: SEEMS ARROGANT (really insecure): When people are in their head thinking about what to say next, thinking about how not to be rejected, thinking on how to manipulate you so you like them… it comes across like they’re not paying attention, that they’re arrogant, that they don’t care… when REALLY they care so much! SOLUTION: Be present. Stay in the moment. Breathe. Feel your feet on the ground. Listen without being three steps ahead. Just BE THERE and TRUST you’re enough. If they don’t want to date you, hire you, be your friend… that’s OK. It just means you’re not a fit. It’s doesn’t mean you’re wrong, bad or broken. Promise BEING PRESENT (vs. a people pleaser): Of course we want to make a good impression. Yet when we try TOO hard then we give away our power, say yes when we mean no, or bec...

Morgana - There’s Value in Your Victim Experience

Victimhood gets shamed a lot in my personal development circles. (It’s so easy to blame the victim for feeling dis-empowered.) I actually believe people have to be allowed to fully embrace their victim experience in order to gather the wisdom, strength and safety to rise above it. One of the greatest services we can do to another human being is to witness and validate a person’s experience with full respect. I find that once a person feels fully heard and understood, that’s when space opens up to ask something like, ‘do you want to let this experience win, or are you going to fight back?’ Let yourself or your friend sink to the bottom of the experience. That’s where you’ll find the leverage to push back up. I’ve noticed that people may wait a LIFETIME for someone to say, “I believe you,” and “Yes, what you went through is terrible.” That acknowledgement alone can be a radically healing act. It doesn’t even matter if the facts of a person’s story are in any way accurate. The experi...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Hindsight: What I Wish I Knew Before I Got Married

As an Intimacy Expert for the past 18 yrs AND as a real-life twice divorced woman, many have asked me if I knew now what I knew then, would I have still gotten married? Short answer, yes. Long answer, I learned several things by being married, those lessons I would not trade: HE’S NOT GOING TO HEAL YOUR DADDY WOUNDS: I was in my early 20’s, insecure, impressionable. He was in his early 30’s, tall dark and handsome, multimillionaire. He chose me. I thought I would never do ‘better’. Yet I hid in the closet to meditate cuz he thought that was ‘weird’. I was looking for Daddy’s love, security and attention. No regrets because of all I learned. Yet I tell my clients heal their inner wounds FIRST and you’ll make a mature, grounded and aware choice in a partner. DON’T GET MARRIED WHEN YOUR MOM IS DYING: I was jaded from the first marriage. Fairytale Disneyland love is bullshit. I just need someone with a checkbook, pulse and working sperm. My heart was so closed in terror of losing my mom...

7 Tips to Be More Effective in 2018 - Brian Tracy

The start of a new year always represents an exciting time. For many people, it feels like a fresh start – a brand new year full of brand new possibilities. If you are in need of a fresh start this new year, I invite you to make the most of 2018 by following these seven tips to be more effective in the new year . Free Success Tool: 14 Step Goal-Setting Planner 1. Set Your Goals for 2018 Before you can achieve your goals, you first have to set them. These goals should be more than the typical New Year’s resolutions that are all but forgotten by the time February rolls around; they should be serious commitments that you follow through on for the duration of 2018. The specific goals you set is entirely up to you. They could be related to your health, your relationships, your career, or anything between. The important part is that you choose goals that mean something to you and follow through to make those goals a reality. 2. Remember That You Are Never “Stuck” Far too many peo...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Stop Beating Yourself Up! Love Your Little You Starting Now

Question: Allana, the other day you posted about self denial. How do you heal from this when your self denial caused a break up with a person you actually wanted to be with, and want to get back in your life? Answer: Thank you for your question and I’m glad it showed you were your gap it to fill with healing from self denial. It sounds like you feel mad at yourself, ashamed, guilty, pissed at yourself that your self denial caused you to lose the one you loved, yes? Ouch. I hear you. That’s a lot to process. Let’s begin. First, I’d like us to adopt the point of view that you always do your best, even when you fall down, mess up. Imagine a little baby crawling, standing up, falling down… we wouldn’t judge the baby as bad, wrong, stupid, right? We’d actually do the opposite, we’d celebrate it’s courage to explore and console them if they cried, and support them in getting back up, letting them grasp our fingers and they did their drunk walk until they got the hang of it, yes? Feel into...

Morgana - Magic Happens: a Money Manifestation Story

Magic happens.   Take a look at the text that came in on my phone yesterday.   One VIP session and Suzie’s had consistent $8,000 – $10,000 income months, growing into $12,000 – $14,000 income months, and still increasing. She’s a massage therapist.     I’m sharing this with you today to let you know that however hopeless your circumstances may look and feel to you today, CHANGE HAPPENS. It really does. And it feels like magic. You are not broken. You do not need to be fixed. You are more powerful than you know.   In fact you are so powerful that you may be protecting yourself from what you want. And it’s never a mistake: there are always good reasons, if you dig deep enough.   When everything is going “wrong” on the outside, take a look at what you’re protecting yourself from on the inside. (I personally HATE this advice because I have to apply it to myself, too. Ha ha.)    Change happens at the speed of safety. You are magical. ...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Do I REALLY Need a Life Partner?

As we begin the new year, we make resolutions, promises, declarations to ourselves and the universe. New year, new life, new love, new you. Question is, do we believe all that we declare? Specifically, do we truly need a new love or is loving “You” enough? There are a few signs to know when a life partner is not right for you: YOU THRIVE ALONE: Signs that your partner is a contribution to your life, is that all OTHER areas of your life get better. Thus a sign that having a life partner (or THAT life partner) is NOT for you is that when you date/be exclusive/get married, all other areas of your life worsen, fall apart or suffer. Take a bird’s eye view and assess your situation honestly. YOU’RE RESISTANT/UNWILLING TO MAKE SPACE: Everything in life either lifts you or depletes you. And everyone is wired differently. If you get cranky at the thought of having to share your home, your time, your closet, your money, your vacations, your evenings… then making space for a full time life pa...

Morgana - Top 5 Secrets of Magic & Manifestation

I first wrote these Magic and Manifestation secrets in 2005, and they eventually made their way into my Financial Alchemy® workbook . As I cracked open a new workbook for the new year, I was looking at this and thinking, “OMG! This is totally what I teach in my Results Accelerator program! ” These principles have been working for me for a long time… Here they are: Top Five Secrets of Magic and Manifestation “When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true.” ~ The Alchemist, by Paolo Coelho Manifestation is what you create with your own hands. “Manifest,” quite literally, means “gripped by the hand,” (manus–hand, festus–gripped). Magic and Manifestation together are the marriage of your actions and the universe’s assistance, the fuel and the fire. These five secrets will grow your capacity to make your dreams come true: 1. Set inspired, aligned goals. If you’re not reaching a goal, take a look at your goal. How do you know t...

36 Motivational and Inspirational Quotes About Success - Brian Tracy

Inspirational quotes have an amazing ability to motivate others and change the way we feel about ourselves. This is why I find them so interesting and crucial on our paths to success. So what’s their secret? You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens to you. When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Just as positive words can make someone smile or a well-timed humorous quote can make someone laugh, our thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have complete control over only one thing in the universe — your thinking – and that’s where motivational quotes come in! Jump to:   Inspirational Quotes About Life , For Students , For Work , For Success or Leadership Quotes You can decide what you are going to think in any given situation. Your thoughts and feelings determine your actions and ...