Question: Allana, the other day you posted about self denial. How do you heal from this when your self denial caused a break up with a person you actually wanted to be with, and want to get back in your life? Answer: Thank you for your question and I’m glad it showed you were your gap it to fill with healing from self denial. It sounds like you feel mad at yourself, ashamed, guilty, pissed at yourself that your self denial caused you to lose the one you loved, yes? Ouch. I hear you. That’s a lot to process. Let’s begin. First, I’d like us to adopt the point of view that you always do your best, even when you fall down, mess up. Imagine a little baby crawling, standing up, falling down… we wouldn’t judge the baby as bad, wrong, stupid, right? We’d actually do the opposite, we’d celebrate it’s courage to explore and console them if they cried, and support them in getting back up, letting them grasp our fingers and they did their drunk walk until they got the hang of it, yes? Feel into...