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Showing posts from November, 2012

Allana - Intimate Conversations – Highlights with Molly McCord

Molly “the Conscious Cool Chick” McCord has just the place of trust,in herself, in the UNIVERSE! She has this remarkable willingness to ask questions, and also demand the things she wants to have. I was so delighted to have interviewed Molly, the balance of clarity and questioning is exquisite. She has TOTAL TRUST! She is such in a solid place! Everything happens with total trust, Molly is a woman who trusts herself, trusts life, trusts the UNKNOWN. This interview will really ground you in a place so deep, sure, knowing and open to all that’s truly on it’s way to you. Such a joy, I tell you. If you weren’t able to make this call, sign up for instant access to Intimate Conversations LIVE and your very own dashboard at . And for those of you who already have more intimate affection, delicious confidence & badass lives from being a part of Allana’s show, log into your dashboard to hear it at . Molly, a Con...

Allana - Are You OK With Who You Are, In Your Relationship?

Enjoy this Relationship article about wow-ing your S.O.’s parents… I like the advice I gave and enjoyed the other contributors as well. I am reminded of my past two marriages. The first time I met my first husband’s parents, we were flying there and I was dressed all funky and for the first time ever, he questioned my style. Are you going to wear that? (I always wore this.) Wear what? That cross necklace. (It was in the days of Madonna craze and it was this fabulous huge cross necklace that I adored.) He said, Well it looks like you’re making fun of religion. (wha?) Could you take it off? I know. I know. Red flag. I would see that NOW yet back then it just felt like the energy of Dad being drunk and forgetting what we spoke of the night before and I trying to do whatever it would take to win his favor, anything to be in his good books, anything to feel loved. So I took off the necklace and ended up playing with all the nieces and nephews the whole trip… the only ones I could relate ...

admin - How to Create Breakthrough in Any Area of Your Life: Manage Your Strategies, Your Story and Your State

Question: One of the toughest things about chasing the dream is managing the disciplines of persistent action and hopeful patience that are required to ultimately see the vision come to be. This is an area of huge tension. How do dream chasers manage that tension and thrive? Fulfilling your dreams and your ability to thrive [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

Allana - How to be authoritative and not come across as bitchy.

Great question. This is totally new for me to say, I’ve loved studying with Access Consciousness. I’ve come to stop judging the parts of me I used to judge, including my bitch. It’s almost like my resistance to being a bitch made me one! And at times, being a bitch is really useful! But not as a cruelty, as a choice to protect my son or if I sense it’s the only way to create movement for something of great priority for me. Once I give myself permission to choose to be shall we say, our dark side, with consciousness… once we aren’t on autopilot yet have total permission to choose what we choose moment to moment, the bitchy, naughty, erotic, angry, etc. part of us… the energy we’d been holding back resisting it… is returned to us. Choice is returned to us. And with that a whole new realm of possibilities… so resisting being bitchy just leaves you overcompensating with nice or swinging into damaging cruelty. Yet giving ALL of you permission to BE… and being aware of what’s true for you...

Allana - Intimate Conversations with Molly McCord

Excited to connect with Molly McCord, the Conscious Cool Chic. She’s into conscious astrology and I am curious about Dec. 21st, all the recent eclipses… so much! And how this will contribute to this being the best holiday season ever. She plays so many roles. She is a writer, author, intuitive, astrologer, messenger, and teacher. Wow! I am so eager to meet her and learn about her work. I am extremely interested about the greatest power as she describes it-which is found in the “Heart Consciousness”. I am thrilled to discover this insightful new way to contemplate life’s purpose: lovingly, joyfully, and peacefully. I would especially like to know how to get there! Molly will be on the show this Thursday to promote her upcoming book, My Life As A Trapeze Artist™ . She wrote all about her revolutionary spiritual adventure. This will definitely appeal to anyone searching for purpose in this world. Join us! I am excited to hear her stories about working for a U.S. Ambassador at the Ameri...

Allana - Intimate Conversations – Highlights with Sheila Kelley

Who’s in LA and wants to go to pole dancing classes with me after Thanksgiving? I am so ready to own the next level of my erotic creature in totality. I have to thank Sheila Kelley’s S Factor pole dancing for bringing about this fabulous epiphany. She definitely inspired me to awaken this erotic creature within and I can’t wait to show up in one of her classes. I prerecorded an inspiring, hot, REVEALING interview with the amazing Sheila Kelley for you, and is available for you to watch at your leisure during this holiday weekend. A successful actor, Sheila is my mentor and the originator of a pole dance fitness and strip tease phenomenon. Listening to her talk about her S Factor was so inspiring. Her work is really all about helping women unearth their eroticism, beauty, potential and power, something that we all desire to have. She is fabulous and gorgeous! If you weren’t able to make this call, sign up for instant access to Intimate Conversations LIVE and your very own dashboard at...

Allana - My Solitary plans for Thanksgiving

I got the newsletter from school that says there’s a potluck on the 21st. This year’s Thanksgiving, Gabe is with his Dad and I’m sure I could call one of my friends to join them for the day, yet what I’m TRULY thankful for this year is the time, the courage and the insight of the next book I’m ready to download… and about 7 of 9 days I’ve carved out to begin it! As any busy person can attest to, having ME time is hard to come by in today’s world and I am thrilled to have booked all my coaching calls into two days so I can dive deep into my first fiction. There is an erotic heroine’s story that is ready to be told, who is a mother of a daughter, they both heal in different ways about different issues yet both returns home to the same place of peace, confidence, honor and celebration of a woman’s worth, her body, her sexuality and her sacredness. So I’m thrilled that I’m willing to say thank you, but no thank you, to any invitations that may graciously come my way and to be thankful t...

Allana - What does Dancing have to do with Making More Money?

Dancing, Money. I’m not talking stripping per say, although I remember once being mesmerized by a dancer who seems to roll around on the hard ground as if it was a sandy beach or velvet couch… so beautiful. (And she did make great tips!) What I’m referring to is that dancer’s capacity embodied in your life… that openness, that capacity to receive, that ‘at home’ness’ in your life, your skin, your chosen work… that you and money are ONE. For me when I’m in my head trying to strategize how to get more money from out there, a client etc., I’m starting with lack or emptiness and that resonance is what I’m tryyyyying to overcome and I’m not at peace, home, in the joy of life at all! Yet when I dance, I feel full, I literally pull in energy from the Universe and Earth and let it have its way with me… while choosing what’s true for me… what’s joyful for me… how I’d like to be generous… how I’d like to show up in the world… money seems to come toward me in the strangest unpredictable ways! ...

Allana - Intimate Conversations – Highlights with Patty Contenta

So deliciously complementary! That’s what I have to say about Patty’s work and mine. Our ideas are similar yet very complementary. She has this way of breaking things down to their very essence in a very remarkable and exciting way. It just totally opened up my world, and I hope it has the same effect on you. Patty Contenta is a sought after speaker and radio guest in North America, and has written the e-book and DVD set entitled, “Sensuality Secrets”. Her personal mission is to have women release their resistance with expressing their sensuality. I did learn a lot with this intimate interview with Patty, she gave me so many insights and felt dripping with lusciousness! I have never felt more alive than I’ve felt in ages! And did I mention that she has a generous free gift for you all? Come and listen to the call to find out! If you weren’t able to make this call, sign up for instant access to Intimate Conversations LIVE and your very own dashboard at http://www.IntimateConversatio...

Allana - Election Time Break ups: Heated Political Debates Under One Roof

It’s honestly wild to not be able to vote in my country because I’m not a resident and not in America because I’m not a citizen. Yet I vote with speaking, acting and generating what’s true for me whenever I choose to. So to imagine a household with opposing views on the election under one roof while navigating the intense emotions and energy of the nation… hats off to you! And yet it comes down to what every interaction comes down to… are we going to let another’s opinion of us, of life, of politics, of anything determine who you are? How you are? How you be? I sure used to, especially when I was seeking their approval for my very existence… then a disagreement of politics or the color of my hair would set me off. Yet now that I’ve done core intimacy work with myself, other’s opinions are just that, opinions. I’m amazing even when people break their word I don’t get as enraged for I now have the courage to get clearer and clearer on the deal upfront instead of hiding from the risk o...

Allana - Do Holidays Bring Regret or Possibility?

I know it’s only October but with the holidays drawing closer I can already feel the heaviness descending upon many people about what they HAVEN’T accomplished this year… giving up way before the finish line! I find that staunch goals are heavy themselves. Yet moving targets are just that, moving and thus our energy can more easily move with them in inspiration. I had a wild ride of co-hosting Secrets of the Red Carpet and moving into hosting my own Webisode Series Living Sexy. It didn’t happen for various reasons and I could look at that with shame, embarrassment or gratitude, for all the things I learned and for deeper clarity with what I choose the deal to look like for it to be a YES for me. Huge learning curve and I’m far better for it! I could choose regret that it didn’t happen or I could choose to ask what else is Possible? What’s cool is that, because I’ve asked What else is Possible… a wonderful opportunity with The Moms View moms is in talks… this would be something alrea...

Allana - Intimate Conversations with Patty Contenta

Patty Contenta is the founder and author of Sensuality Secrets, an e-book and DVD set that helps women who are struggling with their body image. She teaches women how to reconnect with their confidence and sensuality through the art of body language and dance. That’s right, DANCE! Patty is a professional dancer, choreographer, judge, Master Examiner, international traveling dance consultant and owner of the World renowned Arthur Murray Dance Franchise in Montreal. Her work and mine are so deliciously complementary! I’m excited to hear her views on body image and about embracing the women that we are! YUM! And I can’t wait to see how I can use dance to evoke confidence and sensuality! Please sign up for this series at , and join us Thursday for this great call! The post Intimate Conversations with Patty Contenta appeared first on Allana Pratt . via Allana Pratt

admin - How to Find New Customers with the Newest in Social Innovation

Are you leve raging social media to drive more sales? Join me and Scott Klososky, a world-class leader in helping companies implement Socially Facilitated Selling (SFS), to learn innovative tools and strategies in an exclusive online training event — my compliments. Register now! via Business and Finance

Allana - Intimate Conversations – Highlights with Julie Ferman

“The grass is greener where you water it!” Love Julie’s quote! Julie Ferman is a matchmaker, dating industry consultant, media personality, speaker, writer, and the founder of Cupid’s Coach, an innovative Los Angeles Matchmaking service. Along with her team of matchmaking professionals, she brings dating coaching to upscale single professionals in Los Angeles, Southern California, throughout the U.S.and beyond. Married for over 22 years, I discovered that her marriage works for the same reasons she teaches her clients, that works in dating! She also taught me what is most valued about me by today’s dating man. If you weren’t able to make this call, sign up for instant access to Intimate Conversations LIVE and your very own dashboard at . And for those of you who already have more intimate affection, delicious confidence & badass lives from being a part of Allana’s show, log into your dashboard to hear it at

admin - How to Hedge Against the ‘Silent Tax’ of Inflation

Author and economist Milton Freedman once said, “Inflation is the one form of taxation that can be imposed without legislation.” How do we simply define inflation? A “silent tax.” The loss of the purchasing power of your dollar, or more simply put, the amount of goods your dollars can purchase at any given time. And finally, as former major leaguer Sam Ewing says, “Inflation is when you pay $15 for a $10 haircut you used to get for $5 when you had hair.” What does this mean to you and I? Our savings is effectively shrinking along with our paychecks. The United States is in a precarious position to say the least. With $16 trillion in national debt and an estimated $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities (Medicare, prescription drugs and Social Security), it seems mathematically improbable for our government to be able to pay for these bills without cranking up the printing press or make drastic spending cuts. The word “trillions” gets tossed around quite flippantly so let’s break it down ...

Allana - Practical Living Sexy Tips for Women Over 50

I remember sitting in Leeza Gibbon’s office when she got the call for Dancing with the Stars… all her producers came running in saying You HAVE to do it! You HAVE to do it! How does it get even better than to be interviewing me, a life coach, during a moment like this? One of her main concerns (beyond the time commitment, her kids, her business, her Leeza’s Place) was 52 million people seeing her thighs as she turned 50 for the whole world to see. Totally valid, right? And yet isn’t it wild that our point of view creates our reality? 50 was a big moment for her… it had a lot of meaning for her and of societies steeped in it… and thus was a great chance for us to let all that go and get to HER truth. From the viewpoint of inspiring women (of any age yet certainly 50+) to BE vibrant, sexy, expressed, sensual, own their unique beauty, dissolve the ultimate competition of a reality show and drop into the inspiration of giving women permission to risk, play, DANCE, have adventures… we disc...

Allana - Intimate Conversations with Allana Pratt is now alive on iTunes!

I’m amazed at how technology has become the gift that allows me to share and bring all the weird and wonderful moments of my life to the fabulous people I meet. I hope that it inspires you every day to let go of anything in the way of you BEING and HAVING everything you dream! I am such a nerd. My son has to teach me what’s ‘in’. We have often downloaded a variety of music from iTunes and have danced like crazy in our kitchen, at the airport, in the truck… Never, did I think I would be listening to myself on iTunes with all the incredible guests I have interviewed, on my delicious Intimate Conversations LIVE! Is this for real…….? Well guess what, loves! IT IS! I invite you to get intimate, turned on, raw and real with me on iTunes…..Yes….Now I am able to share all my practical tips and tools to deepen your connections with your loved ones, get intimately sizzling with your beloved, and thrive every day being who you want to be. And it’s free! I can now turn you on about life not onl...

Allana - Intimate Conversations with Julie Ferman

Julie Ferman is the founder and president of Cupid’s Coach. She has been awarded Best Matchmaker by iDate and is responsible for over a thousand marriages. She has been a matchmaker for 22 years! I really like her, I am amazed by her dedication to making the dating experience in Los Angeles fun, enriching, and fruitful. She has given me the courage to consider her matchmaking services! I’ve known of her for years and I am excited to hear about the Los Angeles dating scene. Also, we are going to talk about ‘vulnerability’ on this interview. Please sign up for this series at , and join us Thursday for this great call! The post Intimate Conversations with Julie Ferman appeared first on Allana Pratt . via Allana Pratt

Allana - You won’t believe what Song we heard!

So Gabe and I were in LAX checking in… It was magnificent. Line after long line. I kept asking what else is possible. I kept being open… line three we walked straight to the front. OMG. The guy said it’s so good to see you again! Like he knew me! Totally bizarrely wild! THEN as we’re walking to our gate down this long glass lined corridor I begin humming to the song… then my son said, HEY! That’s Roth’s song! It sounded like a song I knew; probably from Music 101 in College… like one everyone knows… then I stopped…. holy fucking shit is IT HIS SONG!!! So we stopped right under a ceiling speaker… I’m in total shivers at this point for this is an exquisite ex-boyfriend of mine… he played this for us, we have his CD, I have memories of joining him to his father’s funeral and he played his flute right in the middle of this huge airport, my son has memories of him taking him for his 8th birthday hike and playing his flute at a stream… and we’re in fucking LAX and his music is playing! His...

Allana - Intimate Conversations – Highlights with Rosalind Sedacca

Rosalind Sedacca is a returning guest on the show. She is a Relationship Coach and has definitely created a very unique approach to a very difficult situation. She has this amazing book on how to tell your kids the divorce, almost like a story so that they know it has nothing to do with them! Check out her personal insights on avoiding dangerous divorce mistakes parents make. If you weren’t able to make this call, sign up for instant access to Intimate Conversations LIVE and your very own dashboard at . And for those of you who already have more intimate affection, delicious confidence & badass lives from being a part of Allana’s show, log into your dashboard to hear it at . Rosalind Sedacca, CCT, is recognized as The Voice of Child-Centered Divorce. She has written a unique book based on her own experience with divorce and developed an innovative new approach to breaking the news to her eleven year-old...