Molly “the Conscious Cool Chick” McCord has just the place of trust,in herself, in the UNIVERSE! She has this remarkable willingness to ask questions, and also demand the things she wants to have. I was so delighted to have interviewed Molly, the balance of clarity and questioning is exquisite. She has TOTAL TRUST! She is such in a solid place! Everything happens with total trust, Molly is a woman who trusts herself, trusts life, trusts the UNKNOWN. This interview will really ground you in a place so deep, sure, knowing and open to all that’s truly on it’s way to you. Such a joy, I tell you. If you weren’t able to make this call, sign up for instant access to Intimate Conversations LIVE and your very own dashboard at . And for those of you who already have more intimate affection, delicious confidence & badass lives from being a part of Allana’s show, log into your dashboard to hear it at . Molly, a Con...