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Showing posts from June, 2013

admin - 4 Steps to Creating the Ultimate Vision for Your Life

The one trait that all successful, fulfilled people cultivate—be they great writers, teachers, artists, parents, politicians or athletes—is a passion and enthusiasm for life. We all need a compelling vision for our lives: one so powerful that we are driven to do whatever it takes to achieve it. When we pursue something greater than the [...] The post 4 Steps to Creating the Ultimate Vision for Your Life appeared first on Tony Robbins Blog . via Tony Robbins Blog

All Business is People Business - Brian Tracy

All business is people business. The people you attract on the road to wealth will determine your success as much as, or more than any other factor. At the same time, the mistakes you make in choosing these people will hinder you and hold you back as much or more than anything else. People are everything! Networking Skills and Why Business is People Business Networking skills are crucial to your business success. Join local business associations and attend meetings regularly. Introduce yourself to other members and ask what they do. Do not talk about your own products or services. Instead, encourage other members to sell their products and services to you. People in business love to talk about their work. When you show a genuine interest, they will tell you in great detail what they do and how things are going. Listen intently when they speak. Make No Effort to Sell In this description of networking, you will notice that I advised against trying to sell your products or services to...

Jim - “Elevate Member Spotlight: Marla Dennis from Redondo Beach, Calif.”

One of the best ways to get inspired is to learn from others’ successes. That’s why in my Elevate online training program, we spotlight one of our members during our member Access Calls. Elevate Head Coach James Roche, Elevate Coach Joy Chudacoff, and I select and interview one Elevate member who is making great strides with the program. Some successes are large, some small, but it’s all about taking steps forward and making progress. Today, you’ll meet Elevate Advanced member Marla Dennis, the founder of . She was our spotlight during our April 2013 call. Enjoy our quick interview with Marla below, and be sure to take notes. There are several golden nuggets you can apply to YOUR business right away! James: Hi Marla, let’s start off by hearing a little bit about your business. Then share with us one of the biggest successes and breakthroughs you’ve had since joining the Elevate program. Marla: Thanks for having me. My business is Embrace Your Spotlight with C...

admin - The 5 Keys to Wealth and Happiness

We all have the ability to take absolute charge of our lives—but having the ability isn’t the same as using it. Life is full of pitfalls that prevent us from maximizing our full potential. The 5 Keys to Wealth and Happiness is your map to where some of these pitfalls are, and your guide to [...] The post The 5 Keys to Wealth and Happiness appeared first on Tony Robbins Blog . via Tony Robbins Blog

admin - Morning Questions: Use the Power of Questions to Change Your Life

Quality questions create a quality life. They direct our mental focus and therefore determine how we think and feel. The difference in the quality of people’s lives often comes down to the difference in the questions they consistently ask themselves. If you ask a disempowering question (i.e. “Why does this always happen to me?”), your [...] The post Morning Questions: Use the Power of Questions to Change Your Life appeared first on Tony Robbins Blog . via Tony Robbins Blog

admin - Five Essentials of World-Class Marketing

What do customers get from you, and what do they get from your competitor? This is the essence of the customer experience, and it’s what differentiates your business. The better you are at shaping that experience, the greater your reach—and your profits. Force # 3 of the 7 Forces of Business Mastery is World-Class Marketing . Fundamentally, it requires knowing: Who your customers are, and what they want and need How to tell your core story in a way that compels them to buy Everything there is to know about your product or service, so you can educate your prospects about why your offering is the best choice A strategic social media presence can help make your customer service more responsive, enable you to reconnect and reengage with your customers, and make your marketing truly world-class. Here are five essential keys to making it happen. 1. Be Available You are there for your customers when they need you. In today’s always-on environment, you must meet that expectation by helping y...

Get Paid More: The Laws of Time Management - Brian Tracy

Everything you are today and everything you become in the future will be determined by the way you think and the way you use your time. Your attitude toward time is a critical factor in all you do and everything you accomplish. The Law of Clarity The clearer you are about your goals and objectives, the more efficient and effective you will be in achieving them. Clarity accounts for probably 80 percent of success and happiness. People with clear, written goals accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine. Your Attitude and The Law of Priorities Your attitude and ability to set clear and accurate priorities on your time determines the entire quality of your life. To achieve great things, you must always be concentrating on the small number of activities that contribute the greatest value to your life and your work. The Law of Posteriorities Before you start something new, you must discontinue something old. You can gain control of you...

lynda - “Stay Grounded and Connected with a Success Journal” by Ali Brown

It’s said our purpose here on earth is to create, and I see achievement as simply stepping into our best creations. Whether it be making a million dollars, or making our most delicious batch of cupcakes ever, achievement inspires . It encourages us to keep bettering our best and also excites others to reach for the stars as well. When you have conquered a goal or challenge that once seemed impossible, you feel on top of the world, and with that comes an enormous sense of pride and satisfaction. But that’s not all. Success is energizing and a huge self-confidence booster, as you realize what you are really capable of! So achievement breeds more achievement. For each goal you achieve, view it as the first step into a much bigger venture—it’s the end of one journey and the beginning of many more. And one great way to stay connected with your success is to RECORD it. One of the best things I ever did for myself, and my success, was to start keeping a success journal. It’s my secret ...

admin - The Power of Leverage: The Principle of Maximum Achievement

What things are you doing right now that really aren’t that important? Or, even if they are important, perhaps someone else could do them for you? If money is a factor, get creative. What service could you offer on trade? Could you find a delivery service that saves you the time of picking things up—like [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

admin - Five Master Steps For Planning an Extraordinary Life

Most people are stressed because they’re keeping all the things they need to do in their heads. So they buy planners or download apps to get organized, and it’s a “eureka” experience because the simple action of capturing to-dos relieves stress initially. But without a true system, a process of turning action items into the [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

admin - Constant and Strategic Innovation is a Must: It’s About Providing More Value Than Anyone Else

Is innovation important? Ask Blockbuster if they saw Netflix coming. Here’s a hard truth: The market will always be searching for something new—and you, not your competitor, must be the one to give it to them. Understanding and enacting these four principles is essential to kick-starting a state of constant and successful evolution in your business. This is Force #2 of the 7 Forces of Business Mastery : Constant and Strategic Innovation: Products, Service & Delivery. 1. Unlock and Unleash Your Power to Create Progress Pinpoint what’s blocking your company’s path forward. All the motivation in the world is useless without insight into your—and your company’s—method of operation, and why your vision could be at a standstill. Use your business map ( as we discussed last week ) to understand where your products are now and to clearly define where you want them to be. 2. Make Your Target Innovations Compelling Only when you have a compelling vision for the future of your products, serv...

admin - Throw Out Your Business Plan and Create a Business Map

The pace of change has accelerated to the point where a business plan is no longer enough to plot the future of your business with any certainty. Disruptive technologies or unexpected competitors can come along and displace your business overnight. How do you position your business in this hyper-competitive environment? D This is force #1 of the 7 Forces of Business Mastery : Know Where You Really Are and Create an Effective Business Map. To create an effective business map, first ask yourself “ What business am I in? ” And then drill a little deeper. For instance, what business is Starbucks in? Most people would say the coffee business. But ask Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, and he will likely tell you about his trip to Italy, where he saw people eagerly meeting in cafes before and after work. He saw the promise of a transitional meeting place between home and work, and that was the seed that grew into Starbucks. He knew his business was about creating an experience, not just deliv...

morgana - A little Money Honey morning email...

The first email I saw this morning (shared with permission from the author): Morgana, I would just like to say thank you so much for your guidance and for sharing your amazing energy with me. Today I had a major break through! My money honey has guided me today to create a new program and totally shifting my brand and business. I feel right and more passionate than ever about my business now and really understanding my life purpose. I couldn't have done this without you and my money honey! Thank you again for introducing me to someone I can trust deeply and rely on fully and letting me keep my (werewolf) honey money! Love & Full of Abundance, Pamela Chen Psychic Doll via Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Intimate Conversations with Barry Adkins

Hello my glorious friends! This week on Intimate Conversations Barry Adkins joins the show to talk about his book Kevin’s Last Walk . In honor of upcoming father’s day, our guest shares his story of how he took the heartbreak and tragedy of losing his son to alcohol poisioning and turned it in to a mission to educate our children and parents of the dangers of binge drinking. The day that was supposed to mark the beginning of Kevin’s adult life, turned out to be his last, and Barry’s message is both a powerful inspiration and a warning about the consequences of even one night of binge drinking. This is a show for any parent and all children that you won’t want to miss. Please sign up for this series at Intimate Conversations LIVE , and let’s get INTIMATE!! The post Intimate Conversations with Barry Adkins appeared first on Allana Pratt . via Allana Pratt

lynda - I’m featured in Porter Gales’ new book, “Your Network is Your Net Worth”…

With the arrival of our twins, I’m been thinking a lot lately about the importance of family, friends and the true value of relationships. Often in our culture we spend a lot of time focusing on net worth as a bottom line figure in our bank account. But over the years, I’ve come to realize our true net worth is really the sum of our relationships and experiences. I’m thrilled to share with you that this is the topic of my friend Porter Gale’s new book Your Network Is Your Net Worth: Unlock the Hidden Power of Connections In The Digital Age . I’m honored to be featured in the book in several sections and share about the importance of helping others and offer tips you can use to build your profile as an expert . If you value your relationships or are looking to build a more authentic network of connections, this is the book for you. For more information go here now . Thanks for being part of my community. Love and success, via Ali Brown - Entrepreneur Mentor Featured on ABC's...

Jim - 5 Simple Steps to Elevate Your Life

I know what it’s like to think that the lifestyle you want is out of reach. Just over 12 years ago, I would lie on my bed in my tiny 400-square-foot studio apartment and flip through magazines, wishing I could have the luxurious lifestyles I read about. Despite that negative, nagging voice in my head that reminded me I could barely afford rent, I’m now living a beautiful life I created for myself from scratch. Instead of moping around an apartment I can barely afford, I now have the means to travel and to inspire others. How’d I do it? By deciding not to settle for being average and thinking BIG. Changing your mindset can be a challenge, but the rewards are well worth the cost. Here’s how you can get started… Eliminate negativity. This includes negative self-talk, too. Why would the universe bring you a better life if you don’t appreciate what you already have? Show gratitude for everything in your life now. Those seemingly bad days happen for a reason, so whenever you find yourself t...

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - How do I go from friendship to lover and should I risk it?

You wanna know something? I’ve never done this. I’ve always known I wanted to take someone to bed right away. And either did. Or was shot down and didn’t. I’ve never ever gone from friendship to lover… and yet I do know people who were friends for years and then one day… they looked at one another differently and whoosh… timing aligned, lives aligned, and one became single again… and sparks flew. So in terms of HOW to shift from friends to lover… it may sound trite but just be real and tell the truth. How is living your truth a risk? Why would being authentic be a risk? If they are truly a friend, why would there be a concern for being real? To me it would be much more contractive, painful, inauthentic and awful to lie, to withhold, to pretend and be fake. If they say no, you are still you, fabulous and amazing. If they say yes, you are still you, fabulous and amazing. Stop letting either yes or no define you. Be sure to check in, are you giving them all the power? Are you letting t...

lynda - My NEW Elevate site celebration is ON…

Today I’m celebrating something special, and I’m inviting YOU to join me… It’s the big unveil of a brand new website fully dedicated to my online business training program Elevate ! Since its inception in 2010, Elevate has taken off faster than I ever imagined. And your enthusiasm and support have played a key role in its success. As a heartfelt Thank You, I’m hosting a 2-DAY Elevate Celebration , and I think you’re going to love what I’ve put together for you… Dive into the new Elevate site and see what’s in store for you here. I designed Elevate to meet the unique needs of entrepreneurs like you. You get the weekly “how-to” marketing training videos , the supportive community with 24-7 access to business owners at all levels online—plus weekly access calls with your Elevate coaches , and more. Plus, with our easy payment options, you can join Elevate for as low as $167 ! And if you say YES to Elevate during this 2-day Celebration, I’ll gift you with a free half-hour Strategy S...

admin - The Power of Words: Transform Your Vocabulary, Transform Your Life!

Words have incredible power in our lives. For one, they provide us with a vehicle for expressing and sharing our experiences with others. Most of us don’t realize, however, that the words you habitually choose also affect what you experience. Transformational Vocabulary is about how you can take control of your habitual vocabulary to change [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

admin - Time Targets: What’s the Focus of Your Life?

The level of fulfillment that you experience in life is directly related to “where” you spend your time. Most people are stressed because they’re addicted to urgency—the phone rings or a text comes in and you feel urgently compelled to answer it, even though the conversation you’re in with your child is truly much more [...] via Anthony Robbins Blog

Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Sexual Desire ~ When HE has a headache

It seems a cruel joke of nature to have men’s sexual desire peak before a woman’s sexual desire peaks. And yet most men that come to me as clients that have issues with erections or desire, we can link it to stress at work, self-judgment about their sexual capacity or years of emasculation or abuse about their erotic desires. I shared about this on a Telesummit I gave for men, for my Having it All Group Coaching Series… I often talk to men’s bodies and get farther than trying to reason out the why from the intellect. The reason is that you are bright, my clients are bright, and if they could have figured things out in their mind, they would have. This is more energetic, a limiting belief they aren’t even aware of… and yet their bodies are. I have talked to men’s hearts, their balls… seriously! If a man will let go of how odd that might initially be… it’s incredible that for example; a black cloud of smoke in their pelvic region has a lot of profound insights to share about WHY his l...