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morgana - Your Wealth is in Your Weirdness

Morgana Rae When I first became a life coach I was really concerned about being taken seriously, sounding professional, and not looking like a freak. Not much has changed: I still care about all that stuff.

But I discovered over time that the more professional and non-freaky I try to sound, the more INVISIBLE I become. The minute I start to talk like a professional coach and go into one of those elevator speeches I spent so much money to learn (you know exactly what I'm talking about, don't you?)... I can see the other person's EYES GLAZE OVER before they start scanning the room for someone more interesting.

I can't begin to tell you how annoying that is.

Then one day, years ago, I stood up at a large networking meeting of high powered female entrepreneurs, pulled out a magic wand and called myself a "witchy" coach, and said something about how "goddesses can be old or young, thin or fat, can do what they want, charge what they want (and Aphrodite sleeps with whomever she wants, and no one dares criticize HER!), and they don't apologize." I said, "That's what I want to see for ALL women!"

You could hear a pin drop.

Then every woman in that room asked me for my business card. Interesting, huh?

I hope by now that we've established that it's not enough to be the greatest coach/consultant/healer/artist/virtual assistant/chef/trainer/teacher/shaman/author. You also have to be known by the people who need you, and the only way they're going to see you is if you (in the words of Jimi Hendrix) "let your freak flag fly."

I'm not saying go out there and get yourself lynched (common sense, of course), but as your Money Honey will always tell you, nothing is more attractive than being authentically you.Your authenticity creates permission for others to be authentic as well, and they'll thank you for it.

I was thinking about the Sermon on the Mount, and the statement "The meek shall inherit the earth." The transcribers got it all wrong. They should have said the GEEKS shall inherit the earth. Because we're ALL geeks, and we root for our own.

Your wealth is in your weirdness. That's what connects you to us. All those things you find embarrassing, or even painful, are the key to your contribution in this life. It's ALCHEMY, baby!

via Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching, Inc.
