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Sal DeFilippo - Blog headline: 14 ways to find success in ’14

Everyone is celebrating the start of 2014, but will this be YOUR year?

Finding success in 2014 takes ACTION. Look past the promise that comes with changing the calendar and make good things happen all year long. The next time you’re dusting off your karaoke rendition of Auld Lang Syne, how much success will you be celebrating?

It starts with your approach. Most people make resolutions (which as I noted in a recent blog post, are simply goals in disguise). We usually make lists of these goals, because when they are documented, we can refer to them easily and hold ourselves accountable throughout the year. So here’s my list for you – 14 things to do to be successful in ’14!

184727211 1. Think BIGGER. If you’ve set a financial goal for your business, it’s likely a number which you believe you can achieve. That’s great, but you’ve also created a ceiling. Don’t settle for just reaching it. Raise the roof. Shoot for the sky. Don’t limit yourself.

2. BUILD your BRAND. It’s easy to get caught up in sales and metrics and client relations and all the other things that go into becoming a successful entrepreneur, but a building a successful brand needs to continually surface to the top of your list of to-do’s. Your brand is your image and first impression to every potential customer.

3. Start relationships with the RIGHT people. Whether it’s a vendor, or a business partner – be sure to find someone who shares your vision for success. Helping people attain happiness is my passion, whether it’s in business or in life. I’d love to be a part of your success in 2014. Here’s more on what I can do for you.

4. BELIEVE in YOU and everything you do. If you aren’t sold, then don’t expect others to be. Confidence is immeasurably paramount to success.

5. Take CARE of yourself. Don’t get so caught up in work that you blow off doctor’s appointments. Even if you aren’t a gym rat, stay active. Make healthy choices when you can. Your body is a machine and if it gets too run-down, it can affect your attitude as well. Don’t let that happen!

6. SMILE. It’s contagious. Plus, it looks better when you take selfies.

7. Keep LEARNING. You know that crazy Internet thing your kids are so into using? There’s a reason. Everything is on it, including knowledge. You probably use it to find information about prospective clients, but in addition, surf the web on occasion just to see what others are doing, and more importantly, how. Who knows, you may even stumble upon a site offering a FREE success tip EVERY WEEK just for signing up for their newsletter. You should definitely sign up for that! :)

8. Be ADVENTUROUS. Get the juices flowing in your business by going on a personal adventure. This doesn’t require literally traveling – just find some path you normally wouldn’t take and you’ll discover growth and creativity that will help you think differently.

9. FOCUS on what you LOVE about your business. Think about how great it would be if you could just do what you love to do – the stuff about your business that doesn’t feel like work – and then find people to help you who love to do the things that drain you.

10. LOOK ahead. Day-to-day handling of a business can be consuming, but you need to continue to think big-picture. Carve out some time each week to devote specifically to assessing long-term growth and objectives, and assign deadlines to stay on task.

11. Take some “ME” time. It’s easy to get lost in your business, especially when you are so dedicated to success. But sometimes you need to decompress and take a holistic view of things. Schedule in time for the most important person in your business – YOU. Read a book. Catch a movie. Listen to a great meditation album and harness the power of positive thinking. Relax a little, and transform bad habits while you do.

12. FOLLOW UP. When you make a business connection, sometimes things don’t materialize right away. It’s easy to lose track of someone who isn’t ready to benefit from your services right away, but DON’T – maybe they’ll be ready in a few weeks, or even a few months. Keep in touch with potential clients periodically.

13. ORGANIZE. If you aren’t the type who does this well, work at it. Use the calendar on your phone to set reminders. Enlist the help of someone who always seems to have their you-know-what together and ask them how they do it. We all have things pop up unexpectedly, but the more you can stay on course, the less hectic your day will be.

14. Take ACTION. None of the items above will help you if you just read it and don’t heed it. Success won’t fall into your lap. It’s there for the taking, so go after it!

Happy New Year everyone! Make it YOURS!


via Amy Applebaum » Blog


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