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Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - 5 Reasons You Should Wait To Sleep With Her


Things are going so well!  She is smart, she is beautiful, she is the whole package.  When she laughs, the room lights up.  When she smiles, the sun doesn’t come close to her brightness.  So why wait?  Why wait to provide the same pleasure to this woman as she has provided to you?

Men’s Fitness reached out and asked my opinion on why a man should wait. Along with four talented insightful coaches, we shared how a little restraint can go a long way, how she may be more than you can handle, how she may have a few skeletons in the closet, that fact that you may not be ready, and last, the revealing truth that deep, true sincerity may be absent.

To see my full response, check out the full article on Men’s Fitness, right HERE. You can also find additional helpful videos on YouTube, so please be sure to subscribe to my Youtube Channel!

Also, If you have a burning question about love, dating or life in general for me, comment below, or ask me on Twitter @AllanaPratt and just use #AllanaQandA.

The post 5 Reasons You Should Wait To Sleep With Her appeared first on Allana Pratt.

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