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Morgana - How To Stay Connected To Your Money Honey

take my handKeeping that new money relationship alive and present–in the face of the news, life’s challenges, other peoples’ money monsters, and the unfortunate fact that your personified Money Honey is imaginary and not physically present… that’s the challenge we all face to keep the magic, love, and money coming.

It’s a burning question that comes in from my VIPs, my clients, and myself.  In fact I designed the whole 2nd module of my Virtual Training around this challenge: keeping the “Money Honeymoon” going forever…

I’ll share some of my best Money Honey Connection Tips and Strategies with you today.

First of all, if you’re having trouble connecting with your Money Honey, check to see if your Money Monster (your old, negative relationship with money) is really gone. Or see if a new Money Monster has shown up.

A Money Monster is the #1 culprit for feeling disconnected from the voice, presence and true Money Honey experience. Because the monster’s job is to make you feel scared, anxious, and un-resourceful.

And sometimes, the monster is gone (yay!) but this new relationship with money–your money honey–is new, and you need some assistance in keeping it going.

  1.  For those of you in the audience who, like me, are “kinesthetic” (you connect through physical contact), imagine touching your Money Honey. Sitting in his lap, being held in his arms. And boys, flip it–put your Money Honey ON your lap and hold her.
  2. If you’re having trouble seeing/hearing/feeling and smelling (yes, smelling!) your “MH,” try automatic writing: write to and from your MH.

There are other things I recommend to feed the relationship:

  1. Stay in a COMMUNITY of financial alchemists and money magnets who speak your language and remind you this relationship works. Hearing about other people’s miracles and discoveries (in my case, these are my clients) helps me appreciate my own Money Honey. (This is my favorite feature of the Money Honey Love Mastermind: participants see the proof in the community, and they feel safe to ask for help.)
  2. Have someone hold you accountable. The great 20th century physicist/philosopher Buckminster Fuller said, “Environment is stronger than will power.” An accountability partner or mentor changes your environment and keeps you moving forward when you want to quit.
  3. Keep INVESTING in yourself and your dreams. My favorite thing about money is it lets you know what you value and prioritize. You reveal what’s important to you by looking at where you spend your time and money.
  4. Keep renewing the relationship. When you’re not trusting money, do the Financial Alchemy® process all over, from the beginning. Every time you get rid of a monster, you create a stronger, closer connection with your Honey. That’s when I have my biggest breakthroughs.
  5. Make it EASY for money. Take classes, hire coaches, learn new things about business and marketing and serving your clients better. I have found I work less hard and make more cash the more I learn.

This new relationship requires attention, affection, and commitment to work over the long term… just like any relationship worth keeping!

via Morgana Rae & Charmed Life Coaching, Inc.
