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Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert - Kids Stress Me So Much, I’m Losing My Hair!


Question: Dearest Allana, I find myself constantly losing patience with my kids. I am so stressed all the time that my hair is starting to come out. It may be that they are getting older, it may be that we are having financial trouble, all I know is I am getting worried. What can I do?

Answer: Sweet woman… I am the farthest thing from a perfect mother yet I do show up, grow, heal, make up for the damage done and bring the best A game that I can šŸ™‚ So I get what it feels like when you lose your patience with your kids when you really want to be kind, tender and nurturing with them, yes?

Being stressed all the time can come from a lot of different places…

I wonder what the structure for self-care is in your life?

Do you have a regular routine where you replenish yourself so that you can be present and playful and kind?

Do you have any practices in place that soothe your fears and insecurities about being provided for by the universe if indeed finances are an issue right now?

Do you have any time with your partner to nourish the foundation of your marriage?

Do you value yourself enough to put aside some money each month for your sanity, radiance and feminine power?

The first thing to notice with being stressed is that you’re probably not in the present moment, you’re probably worried about something potentially happening in the future that you’re resisting and fear is getting projected into anger or short temperedness in the present moment. Yes?

Mommies are allowed timeouts as well! šŸ™‚

I would bookend your day with a few moments in the morning being grateful for all that you do have and confirming that indeed every challenge you’ve ever had you’ve actually gotten through to this very moment. So indeed the universe is supporting you, and then ask with an open heart, “What would it take for my delicious life to get even more delicious than this?”

Put the question in a pink balloon and send it off to the universe to respond to you as insight, intuition, a dream, an email, overhearing a conversation… it WILL come back… just be aware… then take a few more deep breath’s feeling the earth beneath you come up to meet you with a kiss…

And then bring your gratitude kindness and centeredness into your children’s bedrooms. Have a morning song that’s a ritual that you can sing to them as you scratch their backs or play with their hair… So that they learn to wake up every morning to feelings of being safe and secure and loved and approved of.

Be sure you get enough sleep and go to bed at a regular time and make sure that the last thing you do before bed is something nourishing and honoring like reading one of my books, or doing a guided meditation, or writing down three wonderful things that happened in the day and then ask a question to your subconscious before you go to sleep again, like “What would it take for me to be patient, playful and present with my glorious kids and my sweetheart?”

I really really really really recommend that you get my book “Missing Handbook To Motherhood” because these are just a few of the oodles and godzillions of examples in the book/audiobook I have included on how to stay centered and nourished so you could be patient and playful with your children! And sexy with your partner! And in love with you body! And radiant and flourishing in your business!

One of my clients from Chicago told me she’s listened to the whole book 2 or 3 times through already, getting something more and more out of it each time. And she’s able to be a better and better mother for her five-year-old… They are becoming closer and more joyful, there is less stress and more ease šŸ™‚ She’s also a single mom attracting more quality attention and TOTALLY loving her body and femininity now more than ever šŸ˜‰

Download your copy/audio copy now:


And I know you said you’re having financial troubles so I don’t want to affirm that reality, I want you to keep asking, “What else is possible for us to have more than enough money all the time with grace and ease?” Yet, I also am rooted in reality so here is a coupon for a discount when you take action right now to value and honor YOU. šŸ™‚

Use this coupon code: honoringyou

Now you have no excuses, beautiful!

Take action great Divine Mother!

It’s only through changing your thoughts feelings energy and actions that life is going to change…

What a blessing you are šŸ™‚

What lucky children you have as well.

All my love, Allana xoxo

The post Kids Stress Me So Much, I’m Losing My Hair! appeared first on Allana Pratt.

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